Enabling in-conference customer branding

This article explains how to order and enable in-conference branding through the Partner Portal. For more information about the feature itself, please see In-conference customer branding on the Pexip Service.

First, you need a Branding license. Customers with the Connect Standard package already have the license added, but for other customers you need to create a new Branding license plan. For more information, see Ordering a new license plan.

To enable the customer's branding, you need to provide email addresses for where to send instructions about the two images that need to be provided to Pexip (one for the background and one for the company logo). The same list of people also receive a message when the setup has been completed and branding is active. You can provide your own email address and/or contacts at the company itself.

Enabling branding

  1. In the Partner Portal, go to the Other tab, and scroll to the Branding section.
  2. Select and you are prompted to configure email addresses. Here you need to add details for whoever needs the instructions about preparing the images, and whoever would like to receive notification when branding setup has been completed.

    • Select the check box next to existing emails, as required.
    • Enter a new email address and select Add, for each additional recipient. The email is added and automatically selected for inclusion.
  3. After adding and selecting the email addresses you need, click Next. You see an acknowledgement message, and if you return to the Branding section you see a new item has been created and is in the Not active state.
  4. The Partner Portal automatically sends an email to all of the selected recipients with instructions about the images and where to send them.

Completing the set-up

When Pexip receives the background and logo images, we make the necessary changes to complete the setup and activate the customer's personalized branding. When ready, we set the order to Active in the Partner Portal which automatically sends a confirmation email to the list of email recipients previously configured.

Updating existing branding

If you need to update your customer's existing branding, please send the new images to service.branding@pexip.com.

If you need to remove branding for a customer please contact your Pexip authorized support representative.

Changing email addresses

You can edit the order to add or deselect email recipients via the wrench icon. Please note that any new recipients only receive emails generated after their email address was added.