License plans overview

In the Pexip Partner Portal, license plans are:

  • The source of your customer's entitlement to use the Pexip Service (outside of Trials)
  • The basis for our invoices to you as a partner
  • Your internal partner program licenses (service fee)

You can view your current license plans, review your order history, and perform other tasks such as ordering new licenses and changing existing licenses.

Plan types

The following plan types are available.

Connect plans and add ons

Pexip's Connect Standard licensing packages for Microsoft and Google cover all the needs of your customers who need to interoperate with either Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

  • Connect Standard for Microsoft: standard package for Microsoft CVI interoperability, including SIP Guest Join and custom branding.
  • Connect Standard for Google: standard package for Google Meet interoperability, including SIP Guest Join and custom branding.
  • Connect for Teams Rooms: enables 1:1 (also referred to as point-to-point) SIP/H.323 video calls between Microsoft Teams Room devices and VTCs, and to join Zoom, Webex and other SIP/H.323 meetings.
  • Connect for Zoom Rooms: enables Zoom Rooms devices to connect to Microsoft Teams meetings as a guest over SIP.
  • Connect Essentials for Microsoft: basic package for Microsoft CVI interoperability.
  • Connect Essentials for Google: basic package for Google Meet interoperability.
  • FullHD for Microsoft CVI: an add-on that provides Full HD (1080p) video and content streams to endpoints that are gatewayed into Teams meetings.
  • FullHD for Teams Rooms: an add-on that provides Full HD (1080p) video and content streams for Teams Rooms.
  • FullHD for Zoom Rooms: an add-on that provides Full HD (1080p) video and content streams for Zoom Rooms.
  • Enhanced Room Management: Enhanced Room Management (ERM) is a separately-installable Pexip product that provides management of your Cisco and Poly devices and room systems. From system monitoring to bulk provisioning of software upgrades, address books, and branding profiles, it provides everything you need to manage your systems from one single management interface.

See Pexip Connect: trial, orderability and enablement, Connect Standard for Microsoft/Google licensing packages and Pexip Connect for Zoom Rooms: order and setup for more information.


These provide interoperability with Google/Microsoft hosted meetings, and include 1 domain hosting license. Each license provides a concurrent call into a Google/Microsoft meeting.

Domain & other plans

These plans cover a variety of additional service features:

  • Trusted Device License: allows video room systems that are not registered to the Pexip Service to bypass the Microsoft Teams or Google Meet lobby. See Trusted Devices: trial, orderability and configuration.
  • BYOC License: allow registered endpoints to call outbound to the PSTN via a third-party carrier. You must purchase 1 BYOC License per Endpoint License. See Pexip's "Bring your own carrier" — using Pexip to dial out to PSTN.
  • Branding License: allows custom branding of the screens used when connecting to a Pexip VMR, Microsoft Teams CVI, or Google Meet meeting. See Enabling in-conference customer branding.
  • Domain Hosting License: allows use of a custom calling domain, so that calls to a customer-owned domain can be routed via the Pexip Service.
  • Pexip Control Center User: provides administrator and end-user access to PCC.

Endpoint plans

These plans provide a number of video system/endpoint subscriptions. Three endpoint plan types are available:

  • Endpoint License Basic: provides bandwidth up to 768 Kbps.
  • Endpoint License Plus: provides bandwidth up to 1.5 Mbps.
  • Endpoint License Premium: provides bandwidth up to 4 Mbps.

See Changing a customer's endpoint license plan for more information.


One-Touch Join creates a single, seamless joining workflow for any professional video meeting allowing you to simply walk into a meeting room, tap a button on the room system, and launch your meeting.

  • Room Enablement License: provides the Pexip software required to run a Pexip One-Touch Join instance.
  • One-Touch Join Room License / Service: provides One-Touch Join capabilities for an endpoint device.

See One-Touch Join (OTJ): trial, orderability and enablement for more information.

Professional Services

The Pexip Professional Services team helps you deploy Pexip products and services reliably, quickly and cost-effectively. Services offered include:

  • Pexip One-Touch Join Installation Basic: professional services for installation of the Room Enablement software for Pexip OTJ. It is a mandatory professional service to be ordered per OTJ customer when the partner is not an authorized Infinity software installer.
  • Pexip One-Touch Join Installation Additional: optional professional service which can be ordered per OTJ customer when the partner is not an authorized Infinity software installer. The Pexip professional team will in this case support the partner with 3 additional configurations (choose from additional meeting types, calendar integrations or additional Conferencing Nodes).
  • Pexip Enhanced Room Management Installation: an optional service to assist customers implementing Enhanced Room Management.

See Professional Services: orderability for more information.

User & Team VMR plans

These provide a Pexip Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) for an individual user or for use as a team room. Options are:

  • Enterprise User License: each user/team VMR within a company that uses the Pexip Service requires an EUL.
  • Enterprise Wide Agreement: you buy a license for an entire organization.

ERC Basic

The ERC Basic for Microsoft/Google license packages are simplified offerings that provide 1 call into a Microsoft/Google hosted meeting, and also includes 1x Domain Hosting License for the organization. This package is now only available as renewals for existing ERC Basic customers.

  • ERC Basic for Microsoft: each license provides 1 concurrent call into a Microsoft hosted meeting. Also includes 1x Domain Hosting License for the organization.
  • ERC Basic for Google: each license provides 1 concurrent call into a Google hosted meeting. Also includes 1x Domain Hosting License for the organization.

Viewing license plans

The Partner Portal provides a simple overview of all the license plans you hold on behalf of your customer. From the Purchasing tab you can see current license plans and your order history.

The License Plans section shows all of the current licenses.

Field Description
Plan type The type of product license plan you have for this customer. See above for information about each plan type.
Licenses The current number of licenses available under this plan.
Price per license The price Pexip is billing you per license ordered.
Payment Plan The billing cadence you chose for this license plan.
Start Date The date from which billing was first calculated.
Renewal/Expiry The date upon which the license plan will expire (red font) or renew (green font).
Cost Center The cost center that you assigned to the license plan. This is shown on your billing data from Pexip.
References Other references, for example a purchase order number, that you have assigned to the license plan. This is shown on your billing data from Pexip.
Actions Your options for making changes to the license plan, including license quantity, billing cadence and renewals. The available choices depend on the type of license plan.

Viewing order history

The Order History section shows you which orders have been placed since the company was created. You can search your orders and download them in spreadsheet format if required.

Field Description
Date/Time (UTC) The date and time the order event happened, recorded in Coordinated Universal Time.
User The portal user account that placed the order. Automated events show as user "System".
SKU The Pexip SKU covered by the ordering event.
Product The product that was ordered.
Payment Plan The payment plan for that order.
Reference Any custom reference that was entered by the portal user when ordering a new license plan or making a change to an existing license plan.
Change The type of order event that occurred.
New Qty The number of licenses after placing or editing an order, or other action.

Other tasks

For information about ordering new licenses and changing existing licenses, see: