Re-running the installation wizard

You can rerun the installation wizard if you previously exited the wizard before completing all the steps, or you entered the wrong hostname/addressing information (for server-based deployments) during the initial configuration.

Re-running the installation wizard will overwrite any existing Management Node configuration and lose all connections to existing Conferencing Nodes. Therefore, if you re-run the installation wizard after deploying any Conferencing Nodes, you must delete any existing Conferencing Nodes and then redeploy them from the updated Management Node.

If you re-run the installation wizard to only reset the web administration password then you will not lose your configuration data and you will not need to delete and redeploy your Conferencing Nodes, providing you re-enter exactly the same hostname/addressing information as before. However, after completing the wizard you must then edit every system location (Platform > Locations) and reselect the DNS and NTP servers for that location.

If you interrupt the installation wizard, or it does not complete properly for any reason, you must reboot the Management Node and then rerun the installation wizard.

If you want to change the IP address of the Management Node you must first return your licenses from your current Management Node. If you do not return your licenses before re-running the installation wizard you will lose your licenses from your new Management Node (with the new IP address) and you will not be able to add them back to that new Management Node. See Moving, restoring or changing the IP address of the Management Node for instructions on how to do this.

Do not re-run the installation wizard on cloud-based deployments (Azure, AWS, GCP or Oracle) in order to change Management Node configuration data such as its IP address or hostname. To change such data you must terminate the existing instance and deploy a new Management Node instance. You should only re-run the installation wizard on cloud-based deployments if you need to reset the web administration password (and then you should not change any of the other configuration data).

To re-run the installation wizard:

  1. Open a console window on the Management Node VM.

    If your Management Node is deployed on Azure, AWS, GCP or Oracle, use an SSH client to access the Management Node, supplying your private key file if appropriate.

  2. At the login prompt, log in as admin.
  3. If requested, enter the operating system password created when the installation wizard was run. If you did not get as far as creating a new password, you are asked to create one now.
  4. Type installwizard.

    If your Management Node is deployed on Azure, AWS, GCP or Oracle, you are prompted again for the admin password.

    The Pexip installation wizard begins.

    (If you interrupt the installation wizard, or it does not complete properly for any reason, you must reboot the Management Node and then rerun the installation wizard.)

(Note that the steps described above can vary slightly depending on whether it is a cloud or server-based deployment, and whether you previously completed all of the installation wizard steps.)

Follow the prompts to set the following configuration for the Management Node.

If you press enter, the default value is applied:

Setting Default value Multiple entries allowed? Can be changed via Pexip Infinity Administrator interface?
IP address As assigned by DHCP, otherwise * No No
Network mask As assigned by DHCP, otherwise * No No
Gateway As assigned by DHCP, otherwise * No No
Hostname As assigned by DHCP, otherwise <no default> No No
Domain suffix As assigned by DHCP, otherwise <no default> No No
DNS servers As assigned by DHCP, otherwise Yes, if separated by a space or comma Yes
NTP servers

As assigned by DHCP, otherwise two of the following:

Yes, if separated by a space or comma Yes
Web administration username admin No No
Web administration password <no default> No Yes
Enable incident reporting (yes/no) <no default>   Yes
Contact email address ** <no default> No Yes
Send deployment and usage statistics to Pexip (yes/no) <no default>   Yes

* The addresses entered here are assigned as static IP addresses. When deploying in a cloud service, these values are replaced with the IP address and network settings for your instance.

** Shown and required if incident reporting is enabled.

† The NTP server must be accessible by the Management Node at the time the startup wizard is run. Installation will fail if the Management Node is unable to synchronize its time with an NTP server.

‡ After they have been configured, do not attempt to change these settings by any other means. To change these settings on server-based deployments, you must re-run the installation wizard. To change these settings on cloud-based deployments, you must terminate the existing instance and deploy a new Management Node instance.