Troubleshooting Connect app error messages
The table below lists the specific messages that may be presented to Connect app users, along with their meaning and suggested resolution (where appropriate). To assist administrators with troubleshooting, the associated admin-facing message (which appears in the admin log, and when viewing historical information about a participant) is also given.
For help with general issues that may occur when using Connect app clients within your deployment, see Connect apps .
User-facing message | Message code | Meaning/resolution |
Call Failed: Invalid role | The PIN you entered is invalid - please try again. | #pex100 | |
Call Failed: Invalid PIN | The PIN you entered is invalid - please try again. | #pex101 | The PIN that was entered did not match the Host (or Guest, if configured) PIN. |
Call failed: Out of proxying resource | Error connecting to the meeting | #pex109 | All Proxying Edge Nodes in the location are out of capacity. |
Call Failed: System in maintenance mode | The system you are trying to reach is temporarily unavailable. Please try again shortly. | #pex110 |
The Conferencing Node is in maintenance mode. Note that if the client encounters a node in maintenance mode while performing an SRV lookup, it will not attempt to contact any other nodes. |
Call Failed: 502 Bad Gateway | There is no connection. Please try again. | #pex111 | |
Call Failed: 503 Service Unavailable | There is no connection available. | #pex112 | |
Call Failed: Invalid token | Your connection was lost. Please try again. | #pex113 | |
Call Failed: Out of resource | The system you are trying to reach is over capacity. | #pex114 |
transfer failed | Transfer failed. | #pex115 | A Host participant attempted to transfer another participant from the current meeting to another meeting, but failed. |
Call Failed: Unexpected Response: 503 | Call failed - please contact your administrator | #pex116 | Pexip Infinity received an Unexpected Response (503) when trying to place the call. If this issue persists, you may wish to send a snapshot to your Pexip authorized support representative. |
Call failed: <code> | The call failed. Please try again. | #pex117 | Generic failure code. |
Could not join localhost:8080 | The server cannot be reached. | #pex118 | The host server (obtained either as the result of the DNS lookup, or by using the domain part of the dialed alias) could not be found. |
Call Failed: Failed to forward request | Call failed: Failed to forward request | #pex119 | |
Conference host ended the conference with a DTMF command | A Host ended the meeting. | #pex120 | A Host participant ended the call using a DTMF command. |
Conference terminated by a Host participant | A Host ended the meeting. | #pex121 | A Connect app Host participant has selected "disconnect all", or a client API command was used to terminate the conference. |
Conference terminated by an administrator | An administrator ended the meeting. | #pex122 | An administrator using the Pexip Infinity Administrator interface has selected “disconnect all”, or a management API command was used to end the conference. |
Disconnected by an administrator | An administrator disconnected you from the meeting. | #pex123 | An administrator using the Pexip Infinity Administrator interface has disconnected this particular participant. |
Disconnected by another participant | Another participant in the meeting disconnected you. | #pex124 | A Host using a Connect app has disconnected a specific participant. |
Conference terminated by another participant | A Host ended the meeting. | #pex125 | A Connect app Host participant has selected "disconnect all", or a client API command was used to terminate the conference. |
Timeout waiting for conference host to join or permit access to locked conference | The meeting Host has not joined or unlocked the meeting. | #pex126 | The participant timed out because the conference Host either did not join the conference, or did not permit the participant to join a locked conference. |
This feature has been disabled. | #pex127 | The setting to Enable support for Pexip Infinity Connect clients and Client API has been disabled by an administrator. | |
Call failed: failed to establish media to server. Ensure required firewall ports are permitted. | Call failed: a firewall may be blocking access. | #pex128 | An ICE failure has occurred. |
Signaling node disconnected | Something went wrong with the meeting. Please try to connect again. | #pex129 | The media node lost connectivity to the signaling node. |
Media process disconnected | Something went wrong with the meeting. Please try to connect again. | #pex130 | The Conferencing Node hosting the media has encountered an unexpected behavior. |
Media node disconnected | Something went wrong with the meeting. Please try to connect again. | #pex131 | The signaling node lost connectivity to the media node. |
Proxied participant disconnected | Something went wrong with the meeting. Please try to connect again. | #pex132 | The proxying node lost connectivity to the transcoding node. |
No participants can keep conference alive | The meeting has ended. | #pex140 | This was the only remaining participant, and they were an ADP that was not configured to keep the conference alive. |
All conference hosts departed hosted conference | The meeting ended because the Host(s) left. | #pex141 | There are no Host participants remaining in the conference. |
Last remaining participant removed from conference after timeout | You were the only participant left in the meeting. | #pex142 | This was the only participant remaining, and they were disconnected after the configured amount of time. |
Test call finished | The test call has finished. | #pex143 | This was a call to the Test Call Service that was automatically disconnected after the specified time. |
Call rejected | The person you are trying to call did not answer or could not be reached. | #pex150 | The person being called did not answer or could not be reached. |
Call disconnected | The other participant has disconnected. | #pex151 | A Connect app has been disconnected by themselves or another system other than Pexip Infinity. |
Gateway dial out failed | The call could not be placed. | #pex152 | The alias matched a Call Routing Rule but the call could not be placed. |
invalid gateway routing rule transform | The call could not be placed. Please contact your administrator. | #pex153 | The alias matched a Call Routing Rule but the resulting alias was not valid. |
Call Failed: Neither conference nor gateway found | "Cannot connect to <alias>. Check this address and try again. | #pex154 | The alias that was dialed did not match any aliases or Call Routing Rules. |
Could not join <domain part of dialed alias> | Could not join <domain> | #pex155 | The domain is not part of a Pexip Infinity deployment. This error can occur if an incorrect serverAddress has been specified during customization. It can also occur if a SSL error is preventing a secure connection to the server. |
Participant failed to join conference Reason="No direct route between Edge and Transcoding" | The call could not be placed. | #pex156 | There is an issue with media location policy. This typically occurs if restricted routing for Proxying Edge Nodes is enabled and the proxying node cannot forward the media to the nominated transcoding node. |
Not Found: The requested URL <address> was not found on this server | Could not join <domain> | #pex157 | Check that the URL is structured correctly. |
Failed to gather IP addresses. | Call failed: Please disable any privacy extensions on your browser. | #pex170 |
The browser cannot find the local IP address. This may be due to ad blockers. A Connect app could not determine its IP address. This may because there are privacy extensions installed. |
Call Failed: Error: Could not get access to camera/microphone. Have you allowed access? Has any other application locked the camera? | Your camera and/or microphone are not available. Please make sure they are not being actively used by another app. | #pex171 | A Connect app WebRTC participant has not allowed their camera or microphone to be shared, or has no camera or microphone available. |
Presentation ended | The presentation ended. | #pex180 | |
Presentation stream remotely disconnected | The presentation stream was disconnected. | #pex181 | |
Presentation stream unavailable | The presentation stream is unavailable. | #pex182 | |
Screenshare canceled | The screenshare was canceled. | #pex183 | |
Screenshare error | Something went wrong with screenshare. Please try again. | #pex184 | |
Screenshare remotely disconnected | The screenshare was disconnected. | #pex185 | |
Timer expired awaiting token refresh | Error connecting to the meeting | #pex190 | A Connect app was unable to refresh its token after 2 minutes. This is likely due to network issues. |
Resource unavailable | Error connecting to the meeting | #pex191 | There was insufficient transcoding or proxying capacity on the Transcoding Conferencing Node or the Proxying Edge Node on which the call landed. |
Participant exceeded PIN entry retries | Too many PIN entry attempts | #pex192 |
The participant exceeded the allowed number of PIN entry attempts (3). |
Invalid license | Error connecting to the meeting. Please contact your administrator | #pex193 | There is an invalid license, for example a license may have expired. |
Participant failed to join conference... Reason="Participant limit reached" | This meeting has reached the maximum number of participants. | #pex194 | A user has attempted to join a conference that has exceeded its configured number of participants. |
Error connecting to the meeting. Please contact your administrator. | #pex195 | All the existing licenses are currently in use. |
Error connecting to the meeting. Please reconnect. | #pex196 | The Connect app's ICE connection failed or was interrupted. Users should attempt to reconnect. | |
ERROR_SSO_AUTHENTICATION | SSO Authentication Failed | #pex200 | Check your username and password and try again. |
ERROR_SSO_NO_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS | SSO enabled but no Identity Providers configured | #pex201 | SSO setup may not be complete. Contact your administrator. |
ERROR_SSO_POPUP_FAILED | Unable to open window for SSO authentication. This may have been prevented by a pop-up blocker. | #pex202 | Disable your pop-up-blocker for this website if you can. |
ERROR_SSO_AUTHENTICATION_MAINTENANCE | SSO Authentication Failed. The system is in Maintenance mode. | #pex203 | Try again later. |
Failed SAML SSO Request | SSO authentication failed. SSO is not available from this domain. | #pex204 | The domain in the URL (for web app clients) or the domain in the registration address (for desktop clients) is not on the list of allowed Assertion Consumer Service URLs. |
Failed to transfer into a multi-party conference. | #pex210 | The escalation transfer failed to complete. Redial and rejoin the meeting. | |
Failed to transfer into a one-to-one conference. | #pex211 | The de-escalation transfer failed to complete. Redial and rejoin the meeting. |