Pexip client REST API

This guide describes the Pexip client REST API. It is designed for use by non-web-based, third-party voice/video applications that want to initiate or connect to conferences hosted on the Pexip Infinity platform.

We strongly recommend that web-based applications use the PexRTC JavaScript client API instead.

This API specification is regularly evolving between versions of the Pexip Infinity platform. While we will attempt to maintain backward compatibility, there may be significant changes between versions.

Using the API

The prefix for all conference-related API calls is:


where <node_address> is the address of a Conferencing Node and <conference_alias> is an alias of the conference you are connecting to. Under this API path comes a sequence of response API calls, for example:

All commands in the client API are authenticated with a token, which is presented by the Pexip Conferencing Node. The token has a validity lifetime, before the end of which it must be refreshed. The token is presented in a HTTP header entitled "token" on every HTTP request, except for the initial request_token request.

Unless otherwise specified, all payloads of requests and responses are JSON objects, Content-Type: application/json.

The responses have two fields, status and result:

  • status is "success" if the command has been processed by Pexip, or "failure" if the command could not be processed. Note that this does not mean that the end result is success, only that the request has been received and processed.
  • the result field indicates if the request was successful.

Summary of API requests and events

This section summarizes the requests and server-sent events that may be used, which are then described in more detail.

Client control requests summary

These REST URIs take the format:


Request GET/POST Description
request_token POST Requests a new token from the Pexip Conferencing Node.
refresh_token POST Refreshes a token to get a new one.
release_token POST Releases the token (effectively a disconnect for the participant).

Conference control functions summary

These REST URIs take the format:


Request GET/POST Description
dial POST Dials out from the conference to a target endpoint.
conference_status GET Provides the status of the conference.
lock / unlock POST Locks / unlocks the conference.
start_conference POST Starts a conference and allows Guests in the "waiting room" to join the meeting.
muteguests / unmuteguests POST Mutes / unmutes all Guests on a conference.
set_guests_can_unmute POST Allows a Host to configure whether or not Guests can unmute themselves when they have been muted by a Host.
disconnect POST Disconnects all conference participants, including the participant calling the function.
message POST Sends a message to all participants in the conference.
participants GET Returns the full participant list of the conference.
transform_layout POST Changes the conference layout, controls streaming content, and enables/disables indicators and overlay text.
clearallbuzz POST Lower all raised hands.
clearspotlights POST Disable spotlighting on all participants.
silent_video_detection POST Configure the parameters for silent video detection in an Adaptive Composition layout.
set_classification_level POST

Sets the classification level to use from the theme assigned to the conference.

get_classification_level GET

Gets the conference's classification levels and current setting.

theme GET Provides the theme resources of the conference (direct media only).
available_layouts GET Provides a list of all available layouts for the given conference.
layout_svgs GET Provides a list of SVG string representations of the layouts that are active on the given conference.
breakouts POST Creates a breakout room.
set_message_text POST Sets the conference message banner text.
get_message_text GET Retrieves the current conference message banner text.
set_pinning_config POST Sets the pinning configuration for the conference.
get_pinning_config GET Retrieves the pinning configuration for the conference.

Participant functions summary

These participant REST URIs take the format:


Request GET/POST Description
disconnect POST Disconnects a participant.
mute / unmute POST Mutes / unmutes a participant's audio.
video_muted / video_unmuted POST Mutes / unmutes a participant's video.
client_mute / client_unmute POST Allows a participant's local microphone to show as muted/unmuted without doing a server-side mute.
allowrxpresentation / denyrxpresentation POST Enables or disables a participant from receiving the presentation stream.
spotlighton / spotlightoff POST Enables or disables the "spotlight" on a participant.
unlock POST Lets a specified participant into the conference from the waiting room of a locked conference.
dtmf POST Sends DTMF digits to the participant.
message POST Sends a message to the participant.
calls POST Upgrades this connection to have a WebRTC audio / video / presentation call element.
overlaytext POST Changes the participant name overlay text.
pres_in_mix POST

Controls whether or not the participant sees presentation in the layout mix (Adaptive Composition layout only).

role POST Changes the role of the participant.
fecc POST Send Far End Camera Control messaging to the participant.
buzz POST Raise a participant's hand.
clearbuzz POST Lower a participant's hand.
transfer POST Transfers a participant to another conference.
take_floor POST Signals that the participant is starting sending full-motion presentation.
release_floor POST Signals that the participant has finished sending full-motion presentation.
avatar.jpg GET Obtains the image to display to represent a conference participant or directory contact.
statistics POST Report participant media statistics to Pexip Infinity (direct media only).
preferred_aspect_ratio POST Specifies the aspect ratio the participant would like to receive.
layout_group POST Assigns a participant to a layout group.
send_to_audio_mixes POST

The audio mixes this participant is sending to.

receive_from_audio_mix POST

The audio mix this participant is receiving e.g. "main".

Breakout room functions summary

Many breakout room REST URIs take the format:


See Breakout rooms functions for details.

Call functions summary

These call REST URIs take the format:


Request GET/POST Description
ack POST Starts media for the specified call (WebRTC calls only).
disconnect POST Disconnects the specified call.
dtmf POST Sends DTMF digits to the specified participant.
new_candidate POST Send a new ICE candidate if doing trickle ICE.
update POST Sends a new SDP.
fecc POST Sends Far End Camera Control messaging to the participant.

Server-sent events summary

To subscribe, open an HTTP connection to:


Event Description
presentation_start Marks the start of a presentation, and includes the information on which participant is presenting.
presentation_stop The presentation has finished.
presentation_frame A new presentation frame is available.
participant_create A new participant has joined the conference.
participant_update A participant's properties have changed.
participant_delete A participant has left the conference.
participant_sync_begin / participant_sync_end These two messages start and end the sending of the complete participant list.
conference_update Conference properties have been updated.

The stage layout has changed.

message_received A chat message has been broadcast to the conference.
stage An update to the "stage layout" is available. This declares the order of active speakers, and their voice activity.
call_disconnected Sent when a child call has been disconnected.
disconnect Sent when the participant is being disconnected from the Pexip side.
splash_screen The client should display a splash screen,
new_offer Received a SDP offer from the far-end participant (direct media only).
update_sdp Received a SDP update from the far-end participant (direct media only).
new_candidate Received a new ICE candidate from the far-end participant (direct media only).
peer_disconnect Indicates that the far-end participant has disconnected (direct media only).
refer The client should connect to a different conference.
breakout_begin A breakout room has been created.
breakout_event Breakout room events that are occurring within the breakout VMR.
breakout_end A breakout room has been closed.
breakout_refer The client should connect to a different breakout room.

Other requests summary

Request Description
/api/client/v2/status Check whether a Conferencing Node is in maintenance mode.

Client control requests

This section describes in detail the requests that may be used to initiate and manage a connection to a Conferencing Node.

These REST URIs take the format:



This POST requests a new token from the Pexip Conferencing Node.

Request example:

{"display_name": "Alice", "call_tag": "def456"}

Request fields:

display_name string The name by which this participant should be known.
call_tag string An optional call tag to assign to this participant.
direct_media boolean Indicates to Pexip Infinity if the client has support for direct media.

Response example:

{'status': 'success',
 'result': {'token': 'Ohv3IrcV0CJFa ... etc ... de2PvYam0zqT1G8fEA==',
  'expires': '120',
  'display_name': 'pmxep',
  'participant_uuid': '4cb84ae2-3359-4aa6-9e16-b6fa43f8af3a',
  'current_service_type': 'conference',
  'role': 'HOST',
  'call_tag': '',
  'version': {'version_id': '29', 'pseudo_version': '68488.0.0'},
  'conference_name': 'Alice's VMR',
  'chat_enabled': True,
  'fecc_enabled': True,
  'rtmp_enabled': True,
  'analytics_enabled': True,
  'service_type': 'conference',
  'call_type': 'video',
  'guests_can_present': True,
  'vp9_enabled': False,
  'allow_1080p': True,
  'direct_media': False,
  'use_relay_candidates_only': False,
  'turn': [{'urls': ['turn:'],
    'username': '1660056163:abcdefgh-3359-4aa6-9e16-b6fa43f8af3a',
    'credential': '0BKT1abcdefghvpYMroo8OO8+g='}]

This result contains the token (abridged in the above example) to use to authenticate all future requests, and an expiry time (in seconds) after which this token becomes invalid. The full list of fields in the result is as follows:

token string The authentication token for future requests.
expires string Validity lifetime in seconds. Use refresh_token to obtain an updated token.
allow_1080p boolean true = 1080p is enabled; false = 1080p is not enabled.
analytics_enabled boolean Whether the Automatically send deployment and usage statistics to Pexip global setting has been enabled on the Pexip installation.
call_tag string Optional call tag.
call_type string

The type of call:

  • "video": main video plus presentation
  • "video-only": main video only
  • "audio": audio-only
chat_enabled boolean true = chat is enabled; false = chat is not enabled.
conference_name string The conference name.
current_service_type string The service type this user is connecting into. May be "conference", "gateway" or “test_call” as for service_type if directly connecting in. May also be "waiting_room" if waiting to be allowed to join a locked conference, or "ivr" if on the PIN entry screen.
display_name string Echoes the display name in the request.
fecc_enabled boolean true = FECC is enabled; false = FECC is not enabled.
guests_can_present boolean true = guests can present; false = guests cannot present.
idp array The response may contain a list of Identity Providers that are available for this service. See SSO protected conferences below for more information.
participant_uuid string The uuid associated with this newly created participant. It is used to identify this participant in the participant list.
role string Whether the participant is connecting as a "HOST" or a "GUEST".
rtmp_enabled boolean true = RTMP is enabled; false = RTMP is not enabled.
service_type string

Either "conference", "gateway" or “test_call” depending on whether this is a VMR, gateway or Test Call Service respectively.

stun array The Client STUN server addresses that are associated with the Conferencing Node's system location.
version object The version of the Pexip server being communicated with.
vp9_enabled boolean true = vp9 is enabled; false = vp9 is not enabled.
turn array The Client TURN server addresses and credentials that are associated with the Conferencing Node's system location.
direct_media boolean

Specifies if the conference shall use direct media.

true = direct media call; false = transcoded call.

pex_datachannel_id string ID number (between 0 and 65,534) which uniquely identifies the WebRTC Data Channel (direct media only).
client_stats_update_interval string Periodic interval that the client is expected to send media statistics to Pexip Infinity (direct media only).
use_relay_candidates_only boolean

Whether to enforce media relay on direct media calls.

true = direct media call enforcing media relay; this forces only ICE candidates whose IP addresses are being relayed, such as those being passed through a STUN or TURN server, to be considered. See this article for more information.

false = direct media call not enforcing media relay.

redirect_url string The chosen Identity Provider's URL to redirect to.
redirect_idp object The chosen Identity Provider's details.

PIN protected conferences

If the conference is PIN-protected, the PIN must be specified in a "pin" HTTP header. If the PIN is required but is incorrect or missing, a "403 Forbidden" error is returned. The "pin" field in the response specifies whether a PIN is required for Hosts, and a "guest_pin" field in the response specifies whether a PIN is required for Guests. If a PIN is required for a Host, but not for a Guest, and if you want to join as a Guest, you must still provide a "pin" header, with a value of "none".

SSO protected conferences

If the conference has SSO (Single Sign-On) participant authentication enabled, the response contains a list of Identity Providers (IdPs) that are available for this service, for example:

"idp": [
    "name": "Microsoft Entra ID”,
    "img": "",
    "uuid": "4fe19459-67b4-4e84-abb4-a3765a0a7e09”
  }, {
    "name": "ADFS”,
    "img": "",
    "uuid": "7e43610f-1c82-4726-899a-af801748846c”

When using IdP authentication, the next request_token request should contain the chosen_idp, for example:


And the response will contain a URL to redirect to:

"redirect_url": "<IdP's SSO URL>?SAMLRequest=<Base64 encoded SAML AuthNRequest message>”,
"redirect_idp": {
  "name": "Microsoft Entra ID”,
  "uuid": "4fe19459-67b4-4e84-abb4-a3765a0a7e09”

Having followed the redirect to the Identity Provider and completed the necessary authentication you will be redirected back to the Infinity API with a SAML Assertion / OpenID Connect JWT for Pexip Infinity to verify. If verification succeeds a token will be received that must be sent in a new request_token call as the sso_token parameter.

Virtual Receptions

If the conference is a Virtual Reception, a "403 Forbidden" error is returned, with a "conference_extension" field. This field is either:

  • "standard": for a regular, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet Virtual Reception.
  • "mssip": for a Lync / Skype for Business Virtual Reception.

To join the target room, a second request_token request must be made, but with a conference_extension field in the request JSON, which contains the alias of the target conference.


This POST request refreshes a token to get a new one.

Request: empty.

Example response:

{"status": "success", "result": 
{"token": "SE9TVAltZ...etc...jQ4YTVmMzM3MDMwNDFlNjI%3D", 
"expires": "120"}}

Fields are:

token string The new authentication token for future requests.
expires string Validity lifetime in seconds.


This POST request releases the token (effectively a disconnect for the participant).

Request: empty.

Response: should be ignored.

Conference control functions

This section describes in detail the requests that may be used to manage an existing conference.

These REST URIs take the format:



This POST request dials out from the conference to a target endpoint. This function is only available to conference Hosts.

Request example:

{"role": "GUEST", "destination": "", "protocol": "sip", "source_display_name": "Alice"}

Request fields:

role string

The level of privileges the participant has in the conference:

  • "HOST": the participant has Host privileges
  • "GUEST": the participant has Guest privileges
destination string The target address to call.
protocol string

The protocol to use to place the outgoing call:

  • "sip"
  • "h323"
  • "rtmp"
  • "mssip" (for calls to Microsoft Skype for Business / Lync)
  • "auto" (to use Call Routing Rules)

To successfully place calls via the 'auto' protocol option, suitable Call Routing Rules must be configured. To enable calls to be placed via the other protocols you must select Enable legacy dialout API (via Platform > Global settings > Connectivity).

presentation_url string

This additional parameter can be specified for RTMP calls to send the presentation stream to a separate RTMP destination.

streaming string

Identifies the dialed participant as a streaming or recording device:

  • "yes": streaming/recording participant
  • "no": not a streaming/recording participant

Default: "no"

dtmf_sequence string

An optional DTMF sequence to transmit after the call to the dialed participant starts.

source_display_name string Optional field that specifies what the calling display name should be.
source string Optional field that specifies the source URI (must be a valid URI for the conference).
call_type string

Optional field that limits the media content of the call:

  • "video": main video plus presentation
  • "video-only": main video only
  • "audio": audio-only

Default: "video"

keep_conference_alive string

Determines whether the conference continues when all other non-ADP participants have disconnected:

  • "keep_conference_alive": the conference continues to run until this participant disconnects (applies to Hosts only).
  • "keep_conference_alive_if_multiple": the conference continues to run as long as there are two or more "keep_conference_alive_if_multiple" participants and at least one of them is a Host.
  • "keep_conference_alive_never": the conference terminates automatically if this is the only remaining participant.

Default: "keep_conference_alive" for non-streaming participants, and "keep_conference_alive_never" for streaming participants.

remote_display_name string

An optional friendly name for this participant. This may be used instead of the participant's alias in participant lists and as a text overlay in some layout configurations.

text string

Optional text to use instead of remote_display_name as the participant name overlay text.

Response example:

{"status": "success", "result": ["977fcd1c-8e3c-4dcf-af45-e536b77af088"]}

The response is an array of UUIDs of new participants, if dial-out was successfully initiated. In most cases the dial-out will only generate a single call and thus a single UUID in this array, however if Pexip Infinity forks the call there may end up being multiple UUIDs. Only one of these will be answered, however, and the rest will be disconnected.

The call UUIDs will appear as new participants immediately, with a "service_type" of "connecting". If the call is answered, the participant will be updated with a new "service_type", typically being "conference". The participant may also be deleted if the receiver rejects the call, or the call attempt times out in 30 seconds if not answered.


This GET request provides the status of the conference.

Currently, a limited set of conference properties are available, as listed below:

{"status": "success", "result": {"locked": false, "guests_muted": false, "all_muted": false, "presentation_allowed": true, "started": true, "live_captions_available": true, "direct_media": false, "classification": {"levels": {},"current": null}, "message_text": null, "pinning_config": "basic_backfill", "breakout_rooms": true, "breakout_name": "My Breakout Room", "breakout_description": "Quick discussion about XYZ", "end_action": "transfer", "end_time": 1688688005, "breakout_guests_allowed_to_leave": false}}

lock / unlock

These POST requests are used to lock or unlock the conference. When a conference is locked, participants waiting to join are held at a "Waiting for Host" screen. These settings are only available to conference Hosts.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


If the only user with Host rights is connected to the conference without media (as a presentation and control-only participant), Guests will remain in the “Waiting for Host” screen. This POST request starts the conference and any Guests in the "waiting room" will join the meeting. This is only available to conference Hosts.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

muteguests / unmuteguests

These POST requests are used to mute or unmute all Guests on a conference. When muted, no Guest participants can speak unless they are explicitly unmuted. When unmuted, all Guests on a conference can speak. These settings are only available to conference Hosts.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request allows a Host to configure whether or not Guests can unmute themselves when they have been muted by a Host (either directly muted or via muteguests setting).

Request example:

{"setting": true}

Request fields:

setting boolean Controls whether or not Guest participants can unmute.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request disconnects all conference participants, including the participant calling the function. This setting is only available to conference Hosts.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sends a message to all participants in the conference.

Request example:

{"type": "text/plain", "payload": "Hello World"}

Request fields:

type string The MIME Content-Type. This must be "text/plain" or "application/json".
payload string The contents of the message.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This GET request returns the full participant list of the conference. See the description of the participant_create EventSource for more information.


This POST request changes the conference layout, controls streaming content, and enables/disables indicators and overlay text.

Request fields:


This is an object containing any of the following optional parameters:





In VMRs the layout for Hosts and Guests is controlled by the layout parameter.

In Virtual Auditoriums the Host layout is controlled by the host_layout parameter and the Guest layout is controlled by the guest_layout parameter.

The layout options are:

  • "1:0": main speaker only
  • "1:7": main speaker and up to 7 previous speakers
  • "1:21": main speaker and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "2:21": 2 main speakers and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "1:33": 1 small main speaker and up to 33 other speakers
  • "2x2": a 2x2 layout, up to a maximum of 4 speakers
  • "3x3": a 3x3 layout, up to a maximum of 9 speakers
  • "4x4": a 4x4 layout, up to a maximum of 16 speakers
  • "5x5": a 5x5 layout, up to a maximum of 25 speakers
  • "1:1": large main speaker with one overlaying participant
  • "one_main_nine_around": one main speaker and up to 9 other participants
  • "one_main_twelve_around": large main speaker and up to 12 other participants
  • "two_mains_eight_around": two main speakers and up to 8 other participants
  • "ac": Adaptive Composition layout
  • "teams": Teams-like layout (this is only suitable for use with Microsoft Teams gateway calls)

In v33 and earlier, the names of the equal layouts, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5, were 4:0, 9:0, 16:0 and 25:0 respectively. These previous names still work but note that the layout names returned in the layout's requested_layout field (REST API) and onLayoutUpdate (PexRTC) use the names shown here.

Note that the layout parameter is an alias for host_layout, and that an attempt to set guest_layout in a service that is not a Virtual Auditorium will return a "400 Bad Request" error.

enable_extended_ac *


This enables an extended Adaptive Composition (AC) layout that can contain more video participants than the standard AC layout.

In the standard AC layout, a maximum of 12 video participants are shown across up to three rows (2 participants on the first row / 3 on the second row / 7 on the bottom row).

In the extended layout up to 23 video participants may be shown, initially across three rows (2/3/7 extending to 2/5/7 and then 3/5/7) and then across four rows (3/5/7/8) when required.

Note that this setting only has an effect in a conference that is already using AC, so the conference either needs to be already configured to use AC, or you also need to pass "layout": "ac" or "host_layout": "ac" to enable AC simultaneously, for example:

{"transforms": {"layout": "ac","enable_extended_ac": true}}

* Technology preview only

streaming_indicator boolean Determines whether the streaming indicator icon is disabled (false) or enabled (true).
recording_indicator boolean Determines whether the recording indicator icon is disabled (false) or enabled (true).
transcribing_indicator boolean Determines whether the transcribing indicator icon is disabled (false) or enabled (true).


boolean Determines whether active speaker indication is disabled (false) or enabled (true).
enable_overlay_text boolean Determines whether participant names overlay text is disabled (false) or enabled (true).
streaming object

This can be used to specifically control the content sent to a streaming participant, for example to send a different layout to the stream from that which is seen by standard participants.

It is an object containing any of the following optional parameters:

layout string

Sets the layout seen by the streaming participant (regardless of Host or Guest role).

You cannot use this layout parameter if the main stream is using Adaptive Composition.

The options are:

  • "1:0": main speaker only
  • "1:7": main speaker and up to 7 previous speakers
  • "1:21": main speaker and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "2:21": 2 main speakers and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "1:33": 1 small main speaker and up to 33 other speakers
  • "2x2": a 2x2 layout, up to a maximum of 4 speakers
  • "3x3": a 3x3 layout, up to a maximum of 9 speakers
  • "4x4": a 4x4 layout, up to a maximum of 16 speakers
  • "5x5": a 5x5 layout, up to a maximum of 25 speakers
  • "1:1": large main speaker with one overlaying participant
  • "one_main_nine_around": one main speaker and up to 9 other participants
  • "one_main_twelve_around": large main speaker and up to 12 other participants
  • "two_mains_eight_around": two main speakers and up to 8 other participants
  • "ac": Adaptive Composition layout
  • "teams": Teams-like layout (this is only suitable for use with Microsoft Teams gateway calls)

If waiting_screen_enabled is true, the layout parameter is ignored, as the only possible layout for a splash screen is 1:0.



Determines whether the stream_waiting splash screen is displayed (true) or not (false) i.e. the standard conference content is streamed. This can be used as a "holding" screen while you wait for people in the conference to get ready to start. Note that:

  • When the waiting screen is enabled, all in-conference indicators, the plus n indicator, and text overlay are disabled.
  • The watermark is included by default.
  • If the conference is using a v1 style theme, the v2 stream_waiting splash screen is still used (with its default background, icon and text). When using v2 themes the entire stream_waiting splash screen content is customizable as usual.

Default: false



Controls whether the in-conference indicators (audio participant indicators, conference locked indicators etc.) are displayed (true) or not (false).

Default: true

presentation_in_mix boolean

Determines whether the streaming participants (for example: a RTMP dialout participant that is streaming to YouTube) receives a presentation in mix (true) instead of presentation in main (false) when the main stream conference is using an Adaptive Composition layout.

Default: true



Allows you to customize (override) the overlay text. It contains a list of strings to apply to each participant in the order in which the participants are displayed.

The number of strings to supply depends upon the layout, for example you should specify up to 8 strings in a 1:7 layout. If you specify fewer strings than there are displayed participants, the remaining participants get no overlay text. You can specify a zero length string to miss a position in the order e.g. ["alice", "", "bob"]. The strings are applied to the position, not the participant i.e. if a participant switches in or out or moves within the layout, the strings stay fixed to their original positions.

If free_form_overlay_text is specified:

  • the specified strings are always displayed, regardless of whether enable_overlay_text is set or not (either via VMR configuration or as a transforms parameter)
  • it will replace all of the actual participant names if enable_overlay_text is set.

If you make multiple requests for the same conference, the changes are applied cumulatively (with the most recent settings taking precedence). If required, you can use {"transforms":{}} to reset all parameters.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

Here are some example requests:

  • To change a Virtual Meeting Room layout: {"transforms": {"layout": "2:21"}}
  • To change a Virtual Auditorium layout: {"transforms": {"guest_layout": "2:21", "host_layout": "4:0"}}
  • To enable streaming and recording indicators: {"transforms": {"streaming_indicator": true, "recording_indicator": true}}
  • To enable overlay text: {"transforms": {"enable_overlay_text": true}}
  • To set Adaptive Composition layout with active speaker indication only: {"transforms": {"layout": "ac","enable_overlay_text": false,"enable_active_speaker_indication": true}}
  • To set Adaptive Composition layout with active speaker indication and to also display all other participant names: {"transforms": {"layout": "ac","enable_overlay_text": true,"enable_active_speaker_indication": true}}
  • To set custom overlay text for a 4:0 layout: {"transforms": {"layout": "4:0", "free_form_overlay_text": ["Top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right"]}}
  • To set 2:21 layout for normal participants, and 1:0 for streaming participants: {"transforms": {"layout": "2:21", "streaming": {"layout": "1:0"}}}
  • To enable the holding screen for streaming participants: {"transforms": {"streaming": {"waiting_screen_enabled": true}}}


This POST request lowers all raised hands.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request disables spotlighting on all participants.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request configures the parameters for silent video detection in an Adaptive Composition layout.

Request fields:


This is an object containing any of the following optional parameters:

Name Type Values Description Default
enable boolean true / false Determines whether silent video detection (no faces or movement) is disabled (false) or enabled (true). true
silent_after number 1-120 The minimum number of seconds the participant's video has to silent before it is considered for removal from the video mix (it may take longer than this before the video is actually removed). 15
require_no_faces boolean true/false

Determines whether or not detected faces in the video are taken into consideration:

  • true: a participant cannot be marked as silent if a face is detected.
  • false: face-detection is ignored.
reactivate_after number 1-5 The minimum number of seconds of moving video that is required before marking the participant as no longer silent. 2

Request example:

{"config": {"enable": true,"silent_after": 15,"require_no_faces": true,"reactivate_after": 2}}

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sets the classification level to use from the theme assigned to the conference.

Request example:

{"level": 4}

Request fields:

level number The classification level to use. It must be a valid level key from the theme associated with the conference.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This GET request obtains the set of available classification levels and the currently active level. For example:

    "status": "success",
    "result": {
        "levels": {
            "0": "Unclassified",
            "1": "Official",
            "2": "Official Sensitive",
            "3": "RESTRICTED",
            "4": "Confidential",
            "5": "Secret",
            "6": "Top Secret"
        "current": 1


Provides the theme resources of the conference (direct media only). Used in conjunction with the splash_screen server event, the relevant theme resources can be used to locally render a particular splash screen on the client.

The theme metadata for a given conference is requested with a GET request to /theme

Example response:

  "status": "success",
  "result": {
    "direct_media_welcome": {
    "layout_type": "direct_media",
    "background": {
    "path": "background.jpg"
  	 "elements": [
    "type": "text",
    "color": 4294967295,
    "text": "Welcome"

To fetch a particular resource such as an image. A GET request is made to /theme/<resource path>

Example request:

GET /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/theme/background.jpg

See Rules and requirements for customized themes for more information about custom themes.


This returns a list of all available layouts for the given conference. This includes the inbuilt layouts plus any custom layouts available on this conference.

Example request:

GET /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/available_layouts

An example response to the default theme is:

    "status": "success",
    "result": [


This provides a list of SVG string representations of the layouts that are active on the given conference.

Example request:

GET: https://{worker}/api/client/v2/conferences/{conference_alias}/layout_svgs

An example response (only the 1:7 layout is shown here) could contain:

	"status": "success",
	"result": {
		"1:7": "<svg width='140' height='88' viewBox='0 0 140 88' fill='none' xmlns=''>\n<rect x='0.5' y='0.5' width='139' height='87' rx='3.5' fill='currentColor' stroke='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='33' y='12.1044' width='74' height='45.3913' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='4' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='23' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='42' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='61' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='80' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='99' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect>\n<rect x='118' y='66' width='18' height='14' rx='2' fill='#BBBFC3'></rect></svg>"


Creates a breakout room, and optionally transfers participants into that room.

Example request:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakouts

Request fields:

name string Name of the breakout room.
duration number Optional timer in seconds for how long the breakout is open (not present or 0 = indefinitely).
end_action string

What to do with participants when the timer expires, or the breakout is closed:

  • "disconnect": disconnect them all
  • "transfer": transfer them back to the main room

Default: "transfer"

participants object

Optional dictionary of current room ids and participants to transfer to the breakout room on creation. Use "main" to represent the main room.

For example:

{"main": ["uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3"], "breakout_uuid1": ["uuid4"]}

transfers participants "uuid1", "uuid2", and "uuid3" from the main room, plus participant "uuid4" from the "breakout_uuid1" breakout room, to the new breakout room.

guests_allowed_to_leave boolean

Determines whether the guests can return to the main room (before any timer expires).

  • true: allows the guest to return to the main room e.g. via a "return" button
  • false: the guest cannot return

Note that this does not prevent the guest leaving by disconnecting and re-joining the same conference.

Response example:

    "breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"

The response contains the uuid of the new breakout room.


Sets the conference message banner text.

There is one request field:

text string

The banner message text. You can use \n to specify multiple lines. Send an empty string to clear the banner text.

Request example:

{"text": "Hello World!"}


This retrieves the current conference message banner text.

It returns:

{ "text": "Message that was set", "set_time" "UTC+00:00 - time" }


Sets the pinning configuration for the conference.

There is one request field:

pinning_config string The name of the pinning configuration to apply (from the theme associated with the conference).

Request example:

{"pinning_config": "basic_backfill"}


Retrieves the pinning configuration for the conference.

Response example:

"result": {"pinning_config": "basic_backfill"}

Participant functions

Within a conference, operations can be performed on participants, if the client has Host privileges.

These participant REST URIs take the format:


where <node_address> is the Conferencing Node, <conference_alias> is an alias of the conference, and <participant_uuid> is the uuid of the participant you are controlling. Under this path comes the request, for example:


This POST request disconnects a participant.

Request: empty

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

mute / unmute

These POST requests are used to mute or unmute a participant's audio.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

video_muted / video_unmuted

These POST requests are used to mute or unmute a participant's video.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

client_mute / client_unmute

These POST requests are used to show a participant's local microphone mute or unmuted state without requiring a server-side mute. Sets the is_client_muted property in the participant list.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

allowrxpresentation / denyrxpresentation

These POST requests are used to enable or disable a participant from receiving the presentation stream. (Participants are enabled by default.)

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

spotlighton / spotlightoff

These POST requests are used to enable or disable the "spotlight" on a participant.

The spotlight feature locks any spotlighted participants in the primary positions in the stage layout, ahead of any current speakers. When any participants have been spotlighted, the first one to be spotlighted has the main speaker position, the second one has the second position (leftmost small video, for example), and so on. All remaining participants are arranged by most recent voice activity, as usual. For more information, see Spotlighting a participant (classic layouts only).

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request lets a specified participant into the conference from the waiting room of a locked conference.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sends DTMF digits to the participant.

Request example:

{"digits": "1234"}

Request fields:

digits string The DTMF digits to send.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sends a message to the participant.

Request example:

{"type": "text/plain", "payload": "Hello World"}

Request fields:

type string The MIME Content-Type. This must be "text/plain" or "application/json".
payload string The contents of the message.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request upgrades this connection to have an audio/video/presentation call element.

Pexip expects the call to contain three media sections for three streams: audio, video, and presentation. The presentation section should contain an additional attribute "a=content:slides", to indicate this is the presentation stream.

Request example:

{"call_type": "WEBRTC", "sdp": "..."}

Request fields:

call_type string "WEBRTC" for a WebRTC call.
sdp string

Contains the SDP of the sender.

In direct media call scenarios, the first joining participant can expect an empty SDP in the response indicating that the far-end is not ready to negotiate media (/ack does not need to be called yet). At a later time, the client shall receive a new_offer server event containing the SDP.

fecc_supported boolean

Set to true if this participant can be sent FECC messages; false if not.

Default: false

media_type string

Indicates the type of media that the client intends to send:

  • "video": main video plus presentation
  • "video-only": main video only
  • "audio": audio-only

Default: "video"

present string This optional parameter can be set with value "main" to request presentation, when active, to be received in place of main video rather than as a separate stream. In this case, the SDP only needs to include audio and video streams.

Response example:

{"status": "success", "result": {
"call_uuid": "50ed679d-c622-4c0e-b251-e217f2aa030b",
"sdp": "..."}}

The response contains the SDP of the Pexip node, and a call_uuid. This call_uuid is used to control the call. The ack function must be called on this call_uuid in order to start media after the SDP has been exchanged and ICE has been completed.

The response may also contain a "turn" array of additional TURN servers to use, if the Enable media relay on TCP port 443 feature is enabled. A client wanting to use this would need to trigger an ICE restart and send an update message to update the SDP.


Changes the participant name overlay text. The text is only applied if overlay text is enabled on a VMR. It can also change the text of an audio-only participant.

Request example:

{"text": "The Dude"}

Request fields:

text string Text to use as the participant name overlay text.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


Controls whether or not the participant sees presentation in the layout mix (Adaptive Composition layout only).

Request example:

{"state": true}

Request fields:

state boolean

Controls whether or not the participant sees presentation in the layout mix.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


Changes the role of the participant.

Request example:

{"role": "chair"}

Request fields:

role string "chair" = Host participant; "guest" = Guest participant

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


Send Far End Camera Control messaging to the participant.

Note that this does not send FECC to all participants; it can either be used in a gateway call or be sent to a specific participant identified by the target UUID (as seen in the participant list).

Request fields:

action string

Either "start", "stop", or "continue".

movement array

An array of movements, consisting of:

axis string

Either "pan", "tilt", or "zoom".

direction string

Use "left", "right" for pan; "up", "down" for tilt; or "in", "out" for zoom.

Which means that you could, for example, send a command to pan, tilt and zoom at the same time.

timeout number The duration for which to send the signal. Recommended values are 1000 (1 second) for initial "start" message; 200 for "continue" messages.

Request example:

{"action": "start", "movement": [{"axis": "pan", "direction": "left"}, {"axis": "zoom", "direction": "in"}], "timeout": 1000};

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request raises a participant's hand.

Request: empty

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request lowers a participant's hand.

Request: empty

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


Transfers a participant to another conference.

The target conference is identified by the alias in "conference_alias", and they will have the specified "role". If the target is PIN-protected, the PIN for the target role must be specified in the "pin" field.

Request example:

{"role": "guest", "conference_alias": "", "pin": “1234"}

Request fields:

role string Role can be "guest" or "host".
conference_alias string Target conference alias.
pin string PIN code for the specified role at the specified conference, if required.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request signals that the participant is starting sending full-motion presentation.

Request: empty.

Response: a return code other than 200 indicates that the request for presentation has been denied.


This POST request signals that the participant has finished sending full-motion presentation.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This GET request obtains the image to display to represent a conference participant or directory contact.


Report participant media statistics to Pexip Infinity (direct media only). The client should notify at the period specified by the client_stats_update_interval in the request_token response.

Example request:

  "audio": {
    "rx_bitrate": 64.4,
    "rx_codec": "opus",
    "rx_jitter": 2,
    "rx_packets_lost": 0,
    "rx_packets_received": 914,
    "tx_bitrate": 63.728,
    "tx_codec": "opus",
    "tx_packets_sent": 914,
    "tx_rb_jitter": 2,
    "tx_rb_packetslost": 0
  "video": {
    "rx_bitrate": 2215.744,
    "rx_codec": "VP8",
    "rx_fps": 21,
    "rx_packets_lost": 0,
    "rx_packets_received": 4206,
    "rx_resolution": "1280x720",
    "tx_bitrate": 2089.296,
    "tx_codec": "VP8",
    "tx_packets_sent": 3633,
    "tx_rb_packetslost": 0,
    "tx_resolution": "1280x720"
  "presentation": {
    "rx_packets_lost": 0,
    "rx_packets_received": 0,
    "tx_bitrate": 989.304,
    "tx_codec": "VP8",
    "tx_packets_sent": 1714,
    "tx_rb_packetslost": 0,
	"tx_resolution": "1792x1120"


Specifies the aspect ratio the participant would like to receive.

Request fields:

aspect_ratio float

A number between 0 and 2 representing the aspect ratio the participant would like to receive. For example 9 / 16 would be 0.5625.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


Assigns a participant to a layout group.

Request fields:

layout_group string The name of the layout group you want to assign.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

Ducking functions

The following requests (send_to_audio_mixes, receive_from_audio_mix) relate to ducking functions. Ducking reduces the volume of certain participants when another participant is speaking. If a participant is set to prominent, the audio of all non-prominent participants will be ducked when the prominent participant is speaking.


POST request. The audio mixes this participant is sending to.

	  "mixes": [
 	     "mix_name": "main",
 	     "prominent": true|false

Each mix is given a mix_name. Each call overwrites the current list of mixes with the given list. For example, send_to_audio_mixes([A]) followed by send_to_audio_mixes([B]) will mean that the participant is sending to B only. To send to A and B, call send_to_audio_mixes([A,B]). Similarly, to remove a mix, send_to_audio_mixes([A,B,C]) followed by send_to_audio_mixes([A,C]) will remove B from the sending list. Calling with mixes as an empty list will reset the participant to sending to main only.


POST request. The audio mix this participant is receiving e.g. "main".

      "mix_name": "main"

This participant will hear audio from the mix called main. Even if no senders are present, requesting to receive from a mix_name will create that mix.

mix_name can also be set to None which results in the participant receiving no audio.

Mix descriptions

main is a pre-defined mix name which all participants are configured to send and receive from by default prior to any API or policy overrides. Mixes can be hierarchical with a mix configured to inherit the participants from a parent mix, this can be specified by using dots in the mix name with parent mix names coming first in the name.

For example, main.french is a valid mix name which would create a new mix which inherits from main. This means that anyone receiving audio from main.french would hear anyone sending to main and also anyone sending to main.french. They would not hear participants sending to a mix called french as that is a different mix name. To receive from that mix you would call receive_from_audio_mix with mix name french.

The number of inherited mixes is limited to 3, so a mix name with more than three dots in it will only use the first three as delimiters. A mix name with no characters in between the dots will be marked as invalid in the API response. If main is specified in the mix name, then it must be the first word before the first dot. main does not have to be the root of the mix name and up to three hierarchies are supported. Some examples of valid mix names are:






Breakout rooms functions

These breakout room REST URIs typically take the format:


Breakout room controls

Each breakout room can be controlled by hosts like a normal VMR e.g. to mute all guests, transform_layout etc.

For example:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/transform_layout

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/muteguests

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/set_classification_level

Closing a breakout room

To disconnect/close a breakout room:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakouts/<breakout_uuid>/disconnect

Depending on the end_action specified on creation, participants will be transferred back to the main room or disconnected.

Emptying all breakout rooms

To empty all breakout rooms:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakouts/empty

This moves all participants in all rooms back to the main room, and leaves the rooms open (i.e. it leaves the Host API control participants present).

Ask for help / dismiss help request

The breakoutbuzz POST request requests help for the breakout room:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakoutbuzz

The resulting conference_update event contains a breakoutbuzz field with a value (true/false) and a time which shows when it was set.

Anyone in the breakout room, or a Host, can use the clearbreakoutbuzz POST request to cancel the request for help:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/clearbreakoutbuzz


POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakouts/<breakout_uuid>/clearbreakoutbuzz

Transfer participants back to the main room

To transfer participants from a breakout room back to the main room:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/breakouts/<breakout_uuid>/participants/breakout

For example:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/participants/breakout
    "breakout_uuid": "main",
    "participants": ["uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3"]

where uuid1, uuid2, uuid3 are valid participant uuids in breakout room 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001.

  • If the participants list is empty then all participants are moved.
  • You can transfer between breakout rooms by specifying the breakout room uuid instead of "main" in the above request.
  • You can transfer participants back to their previous room by specifying a breakout room uuid of "previous". For example:

        "breakout_uuid": "previous",
        "participants": []

    would move all participants back to their previous rooms.

    (If a participant does not have a previous room, then the transfer will just fail.)

Move participant back to the main room

If guests are allowed to leave the breakout room, a participant can use leavebreakout to transfer back to the main room:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/leavebreakout

Other participant actions

You can also perform actions on specific participants in the breakout room, for example:

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/<breakout_uuid>/participants/<participant_uuid>/mute

POST /api/client/v2/conferences/meet.alice/breakouts/<breakout_uuid>/participants/<participant_uuid>/overlaytext

Note that disconnecting a participant from a breakout room will disconnect them entirely and not move them back to the main room.

Call functions

Using the call_uuid, further operations can be undertaken on the calls as part of the nominated participant.

These call REST URIs take the format:


where <node_address> is the Conferencing Node, <conference_alias> is an alias of the conference, <participant_uuid> is the uuid of the participant, and <call_uuid> is the uuid of the call you are controlling. Under this path comes the request, for example:


This POST request starts media for the specified call (WebRTC calls only).

Request: empty.

For direct media calls only: on receiving a new_offer server event, containing the remote SDP, ack should be called with the local SDP, to complete the offer/answer exchange. Example request:

{"sdp": "..."}

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request disconnects the specified call.

Request: empty.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


For a gateway call only, this POST request sends DTMF digits to the remote participant.

Request example:

{"digits": "1234"}

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sends a new ICE candidate if doing trickle ICE.

Request example:

{"candidate": "candidate:1732786348 1 udp 2124262783 2a02:c7f:615…eration 0 ufrag YAeD network-id 2 network-cost 10", "mid": "0", "ufrag": "YAeD", "pwd": "IfZniTlYHipJXEg4quoI00ek"}

Request fields:

candidate string Representation of address in candidate-attribute format as per RFC5245.
mid string The media stream identifier tag.
ufrag string The randomly generated username fragment of the ICE credentials.
pwd string The randomly generated password of the ICE credentials.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.


This POST request sends a new SDP.

Request example:

{"sdp": "..."}

Request fields:

sdp string The new SDP.
fecc_supported boolean

Set to true if this participant can be sent FECC messages; false if not.

Default: false

Response example:

{"status": "success", "result": "..."}


For a gateway call only, this POST request sends FECC messages to the remote participant.

Request example:

{"action": "start", "movement": [{"axis": "pan", "direction": "left"}, {"axis": "zoom", "direction": "in"}], "timeout": 1000};

Request fields:

action string

Either "start", "stop", or "continue".

movement array

An array of movements, consisting of:

axis string

Either "pan", "tilt", or "zoom".

direction string

Use "left", "right" for pan; "up", "down" for tilt; or "in", "out" for zoom.

Which means that you could, for example, send a command to pan, tilt and zoom at the same time.

timeout number The duration for which to send the signal. Recommended values are 1000 (1 second) for initial "start" message; 200 for "continue" messages.

Response: the result is true if successful, false otherwise.

Server-sent events

Clients can subscribe to an HTTP EventSource which feeds events from the conference as they occur.

To subscribe, open an HTTP connection to:


where <node_address> is the Conferencing Node, <conference_alias> is an alias of the conference, and <token_id> is the session token, for example:

This allows the token to be specified on the URI, since custom headers cannot be added to Event Sources in browsers today. However, if headers can be added this will be accepted too, and the query parameter will not be required.

Each event contains an event name, and some events may contain a payload of data, which is a JSON object.


This marks the start of a presentation, and includes the information on which participant is presenting, and the presentation source ("video" or "static").

Example data:

{"presenter_name": "Bob", "presenter_uri": "", "source": "video"}


The presentation has finished.

Data: none


A new presentation frame is available at:


An alternative image at a higher resolution is also available at:


Note that these URLs require the token and the event ID of the presentation_frame event to be present as a header or a query parameter in order to download the presentation frame, for example:

Data: none


A new participant has joined the conference.

The JSON object fields include:

buzz_time number

A Unix timestamp of when this participant raised their hand, otherwise zero.

call_direction string Either "in" or "out" as to whether this is an inbound or outbound call.
call_tag string An optional call tag that is assigned to this participant.
disconnect_supported string Set to "YES" if the participant can be disconnected, "NO" if not.
display_name string

The display name of the participant.

encryption string

"On" or "Off" as to whether this participant is connected via encrypted media.

external_node_uuid string The UUID of an external node e.g. a Skype for Business / Lync meeting associated with an external participant. This allows grouping of external participants as the UUID will be the same for all participants associated with that external node.
fecc_supported string Set to "YES" if this participant can be sent FECC messages; "NO" if not.
has_media boolean Boolean indicating whether the user has media capabilities.
show_live_captions boolean Boolean indication whether the current participant is receiving live captions.
is_audio_only_call string Set to "YES" if the call is audio only.
is_conjoined boolean Boolean indicating if it is a conjoined participant (i.e. a cascaded call between the main room and a breakout room).
is_external boolean

Boolean indicating if it is an external participant, e.g. coming in from a Skype for Business / Lync meeting.

is_idp_authenticated boolean Indicates whether the participant has been authenticated with an Identity Provider.
is_main_video_dropped_out boolean Boolean indicating if video from the user has been lost.
is_muted string Set to "YES" if the participant is administratively audio muted.
is_client_muted boolean

Indicates whether the participant is muted locally on the client side.

is_presenting string Set to "YES" if the participant is the current presenter.
is_streaming_conference boolean Boolean indicating whether this is a streaming/recording participant.
is_video_call string Set to "YES" if the call has video capability.
is_video_muted boolean Boolean indicating whether this participant has muted their video.
is_video_silent boolean Boolean indicating if the user has moved away (silent video detection in an Adaptive Composition layout).
last_spoken_time number A floating value of the number of seconds since the participant last spoke.
layout_group string The name of the layout group assigned to this participant.
local_alias string

The calling or "from" alias. This is the alias that the recipient would use to return the call.

mute_supported string Set to "YES" if the participant can be muted, "NO" if not.
needs_presentation_in_mix boolean Boolean indicating if the participant requires to receive a presentation stream as part of the layout mix.
overlay_text string Text that may be used as an alternative to display_name as the participant name overlay text.
presentation_supported string Set to "YES" if the participant can send presentation, "NO" if not.
protocol * string

The call protocol.

Values: "api", "webrtc", "sip", "rtmp", "h323", "teams" or "mssip".

(Note that the protocol is always reported as "api" when a Connect app dials in to Pexip Infinity.)

receive_from_audio_mix string

The audio mix this participant is receiving e.g. "main".

role string

The level of privileges the participant has in the conference:

  • "chair": the participant has Host privileges
  • "guest": the participant has Guest privileges
rx_presentation_policy string Set to "ALLOW" if the participant is administratively allowed to receive presentation, or "DENY" if disallowed.
send_to_audio_mixes string

The audio mixes this participant is sending to.

service_type string

The service type:

  • "connecting": for a dial-out participant that has not been answered
  • "waiting_room": if waiting to be allowed to join a locked conference
  • "ivr": if on the PIN entry screen
  • "conference": if in a VMR
  • "lecture" if in a Virtual Auditorium
  • "gateway": if it is a gateway call
  • "test_call": if it is a Test Call Service
show_live_captions boolean Boolean indicating if the participant is viewing live captions.
spotlight number

Typically a Unix timestamp of when this participant was spotlighted, if spotlight is used.

start_time number

A Unix timestamp of when this participant joined (UTC).

transfer_supported string Set to "YES" if this participant can be transferred into another VMR; "NO" if not.
uuid string

The UUID of this participant, to use with other operations.

uri * string

The URI of the participant.

vendor * string The vendor identifier of the browser/endpoint with which the participant is connecting.

* Empty for Guest participants.

Example data:

"buzz_time": 0,
"call_direction": "in",
"call_tag": "def456",
"disconnect_supported": "YES",
"display_name": "Alice",
"encryption": "On",
"external_node_uuid": "",
"fecc_supported": "NO",
"has_media": false,
"is_audio_only_call": "NO",
"is_client_muted": false,
"is_external": false,
"is_idp_authenticated": false,
"is_conjoined": false,
"is_muted": "NO",
"is_presenting": "NO",
"is_streaming_conference": false,
"is_video_call": "YES",
"is_video_muted": false,
"layout_group": "",
"local_alias": "meet.alice",
"mute_supported": "YES",
"needs_presentation_in_mix": true,
"overlay_text": "Alice",
"presentation_supported": "NO",
"protocol": "api",
"receive_from_audio_mix": "main",
"role": "chair",
"rx_presentation_policy": "ALLOW",
"send_to_audio_mixes": [{"mix_name": "main", "prominent": false}],
"service_type": "conference",
"show_live_captions": false,
"spotlight": 0,
"start_time": 1441720992,
"transfer_supported": "YES",
"uri": "Infinity_Connect_10.44.21.35",
"uuid": "50b956c8-9a63-4711-8630-3810f8666b04",
"vendor": "Pexip Infinity Connect/2.0.0-25227.0.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) nwjs/0.12.2 Chrome/41.0.2272.76"


A participant's properties have changed.

Data: a full JSON object is supplied, as for participant_create.


A participant has left the conference.

Data: the JSON object contains the UUID of the deleted participant, for example:

{"uuid": "65b4af2f-657a-4081-98a8-b17667628ce3"}

participant_sync_begin / participant_sync_end

At the start of the EventSource connection, these two messages start and end the sending of the complete participant list in the form of participant_create events. This allows a participant that has been temporarily disconnected to re-sync the participant list.


Conference properties have been updated. For example:

{"locked": false, "guests_muted": false, "all_muted": false, "presentation_allowed": true, "started": true, "live_captions_available": true, "direct_media": false, "classification": {"levels": {},"current": null}, "message_text": null, "pinning_config": "basic_backfill", "breakout_rooms": true, "breakout_name": "My Breakout Room", "breakout_description": "Quick discussion about XYZ", "end_action": "transfer", "end_time": 1688688005, "breakout_guests_allowed_to_leave": false}


The stage layout has changed.

Data: an object containing the following fields:

view string

The layout currently seen by the participant:

  • "1:0": main speaker only
  • "1:7": main speaker and up to 7 previous speakers
  • "1:21": main speaker and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "2:21": 2 main speakers and up to 21 previous speakers
  • "1:33": 1 small main speaker and up to 33 other speakers
  • "4:0": a 2x2 layout, up to a maximum of 4 speakers
  • "9:0": a 3x3 layout, up to a maximum of 9 speakers
  • "16:0": a 4x4 layout, up to a maximum of 16 speakers
  • "25:0": a 5x5 layout, up to a maximum of 25 speakers
  • "1:1": large main speaker with one overlaying participant
  • "one_main_nine_around": one main speaker and up to 9 other participants
  • "one_main_twelve_around": large main speaker and up to 12 other participants
  • "two_mains_eight_around": two main speakers and up to 8 other participants
  • "5:7": Adaptive Composition (AC) layout
  • "ac_presentation_in_mix": AC and viewing a presentation in the layout mix (single person presenter)
  • "ac_presentation_in_mix_group": AC and viewing a presentation in the layout mix (group presenter)
  • "teams": Teams-like layout (this is only suitable for use with Microsoft Teams gateway calls)
participants array

An array of UUIDs for the participants, in order, starting from the main speaker position. Note that an API-only participant (no audio or video) always receives an empty participants UUID list.

requested_layout string

Indicates the layout requested by the last transform_layout API request.

Note that some of the layout names that can be returned here are slightly different from the view parameter. They can be:

"1:0", "1:7", "1:21", "2:21", "1:33", "2x2", "3x3", "4x4", "5x5", "1:1", "one_main_nine_around", "one_main_twelve_around", "two_mains_eight_around", "ac", plus any other custom layout names.

For example, when using a Virtual Auditorium as a Host, the view is "2:21" whereas the requested layout can be {"primary_screen": {"chair_layout": "2:21", "guest_layout": "2x2"}}.

overlay_text_enabled boolean Indicates whether overlay text is in use.

Example data:

{"view": "1:7",
"participants": ["a0196175-b462-48a1-b95c-f322c3af57c1", "65b4af2f-657a-4081-98a8-b17667628ce3”], "requested_layout": {"primary_screen": {"chair_layout": "2:21", "guest_layout": "2x2"}}, "overlay_text_enabled": false}


A chat message has been received.

Data: an object containing the following fields:

origin string Name of the sending participant.
uuid string UUID of the sending participant.
type string MIME content-type of the message. Either "text/plain" or "application/json".
direct boolean Indicates if this message was sent direct to the participant (true) or broadcast to the conference (false).
payload string Message contents.

Example data:

{"origin": "Alice",
"uuid": "eca55900-274d-498c-beba-2169aad9ce1f",
"type": "text/plain",
"direct": false,
"payload": "Hello World"}


An update to the "stage layout" is available. This declares the order of active speakers, and their voice activity.

Data: an array of objects per active participant. Each participant has the following fields:

participant_uuid string The UUID of the participant.
stage_index number

The index of the participant on the "stage". 0 is most recent speaker, 1 is the next most recent etc.

vad number

Audio speaking indication. 0 = not speaking, 100 = speaking.

Example data:

{"stage_index": 0, 
"participant_uuid": "a0196175-b462-48a1-b95c-f322c3af57c1", 
"vad": 0}, 
{"stage_index": 1, 
"participant_uuid": "65b4af2f-657a-4081-98a8-b17667628ce3", 
"vad": 0}


This is sent when a child call has been disconnected (e.g. when a screensharing child call has been closed if presentation has been stolen by another participant).

Data: contains both the UUID of the child call being disconnected, and the reason for the disconnection if available, e.g.:

{"call_uuid": "50ed679d-c622-4c0e-b251-e217f2aa030b", 
"reason": "API initiated participant disconnect"}


This is sent when the participant is being disconnected from the Pexip side.

Data: the reason parameter contains a reason for this disconnection, if available, e.g.:

{"reason": "API initiated participant disconnect"}


The client should display a splash screen. For VMRs with direct media enabled, it is the clients’ responsibility to render local screens. The screen_key uniquely identifies the type of screen the client should display. On receiving the event with no data, the splash screen should be cleared.

Optionally the client can implement these local splash screens by fetching the theme resources from Pexip Infinity. See theme for more information.

Example data:

{"screen_key": "direct_media_welcome"} | None

The screen keys may be direct_media_welcome, direct_media_waiting_for_host, direct_media_other_participants_audio_only, direct_media_escalate, or direct_media_deescalate.


Received a SDP offer from the far-end participant (direct media only). The far-end has sent an updated SDP via /calls for the client to consider. The /ack function must be called in order to start media after the SDP has been exchanged and ICE has been completed.

Example data:

{"sdp": "..."}


Received a SDP update from the far-end participant (direct media only). The far-end has sent an updated SDP via /update for the client to consider. Typically received for purposes of an ICE restart.

Example data:

{"sdp": "..."}


Received a new ICE candidate from the far-end participant (direct media only). The far-end has sent a new ICE candidate if doing trickle ICE via /new_candidate for the client to consider.

Example data:

{"candidate": "candidate:1732786348 1 udp 2124262783 2a02:c7f:615…eration 0 ufrag YAeD network-id 2 network-cost 10", "mid": "0", "ufrag": "YAeD", "pwd": "IfZniTlYHipJXEg4quoI00ek"}


Indicates that the far-end participant has disconnected (direct media only).

Example data: None


The client should connect to a different conference (alias).

Example data:

{"alias": "meet.bob", "breakout_name": "Room 1"}


Hosts (including the creator) receive a breakout_begin event which contains information about a new breakout room, plus the participant uuid that they have been allocated inside the breakout as a control participant.

Example data:

{"breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "participant_uuid": "participantxyz"}

Hosts (including the creator) will now receive breakout events on the main room EventSource.


Hosts (including the creator) receive breakout events on the main room EventSource. These are normal events that are occurring within the breakout VMR — so you can build a roster list, see the state of the conference etc.

Example data:

{"breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "event": "participant_sync_begin", "data": null}
{"breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "event": "participant_create", "data": {"uuid": "1234", "uri": "", ...}


Hosts receive a breakout_end event to tell them when a breakout room is no longer available.

Example data:

{" breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "participant_uuid": "participantxyz" }

where the participant_uuid represents that host's participant in the breakout room.


Sent when a participant specified in the participant lists is currently a host (and hence has an API participant in the breakout). This tells them to move their media to the breakout room specified by the uuid in the event.

Example data:

{"breakout_uuid": "main"}

{"breakout_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "breakout_name": "Room 2"}

Other miscellaneous requests

Conferencing Node status (maintenance mode)

Load balancers can use the https://<node_address>/api/client/v2/status REST API command to check whether a Conferencing Node is in maintenance mode, for example:

If the node is not in maintenance mode, it returns a 200 OK with the following JSON:

  "status": "success",
  "result": "OK"

If the node is in maintenance mode, it returns a 503 with the following JSON:

  "status": "failed",
  "result": "Maintenance mode"


Changes in version 36:

  • New conference control function set_guests_can_unmute, and participant functions client_mute and client_unmute, for showing whether a participant's local microphone is muted. This sets the is_client_muted property in the participant list.
  • New conference control function clearspotlights that disables spotlighting on all participants.
  • New last_spoken_time parameter in the participant list / roster object.

Changes in version 35:

  • New set_message_text and get_message_text conference control functions for message overlay.
  • New set_pinning_config and get_pinning_config conference control functions, and layout_group participant function for participant pinning.
  • New send_to_audio_mixes and receive_from_audio_mix participant functions for ducking.
  • The ac_presentation_in_mix parameter in the streaming section of transform_layout has been renamed as presentation_in_mix. Note that ac_presentation_in_mix still works but is now deprecated.

Changes in version 34:

  • New layout_svgs conference control function.
  • New breakouts functions: breakoutbuzz, clearbreakoutbuzz and leavebreakout.

Changes in version 33:

  • New available_layouts conference control function.
  • New preferred_aspect_ratio participant function.
  • New functions and events to support breakout rooms:

    • New breakouts conference control function.
    • New server events: breakout_begin, breakout_event, breakout_end and breakout_refer.
    • New breakout room related parameters in conference_status function and conference_update event.

More information

For more information about using this API, contact your Pexip authorized support representative.