Sending a banner message to all participants
You can send a banner (overlay) message that is displayed at the top of the screen to all conference participants. It is supported in Virtual Meeting Rooms and Virtual Auditoriums, and in all layouts.
How it works
When a message is displayed, the video layout shrinks slightly to make space for the overlay banner at the top of the layout.
The message is displayed forever, until it is cleared by sending a blank message.
Note that:
- If multiple lines are specified, the banner paginates through the individual lines in the message every 5 seconds.
- The banner may appear differently for each participant, depending on the receiving participant's aspect ratio and resolution. We recommend a maximum length of 100 characters per line. If there is not enough space for the entire message it is cropped and ended with "...".
Setting a message
There are several ways to set the message.
REST client API
If you are using the REST client API:
To set a message:
POST: https://<node_address>/api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/set_message_text with body: { "text": "Your message" }
You may use \n to specify multiple lines.
To retrieve the currently set message:
GET: https://<node_address>/api/client/v2/conferences/<conference_alias>/get_message_text
which returns { "text": "Message that was set", "set_time" "UTC+00:00 - time" }
PexRTC client API
If you are using the PexRTC client API:
Call the setMessageText(message) conference control function. You may use \n to specify multiple lines.
Connect Webapp3 plugin
It is available as a Message Overlay Connect Webapp3 plugin on the Pexip developer portal.
Customizing the banner
The default colors are dark gray text on a light background, although the text, background and border colour of the banner are configurable via message_box_config theme settings.
You cannot customize the size or position of the banner, or the font used for the message.