Using a web proxy

You can specify one or more web proxies to use for outbound web requests from the Management Node, and from the Conferencing Nodes in each system location. Web proxies, when configured, are used to route all requests for analytics and incident reporting, and some requests for license activation. Support for other types of outbound web requests will be added in later releases.

  • When a web proxy is configured for the Management Node, it is used to route outbound web requests when sending usage statistics and incident reports, and for license activation requests sent to
  • When a web proxy is configured for a system location, all Conferencing Nodes in that location will use that web proxy for incident reporting.

To use a web proxy, you must first add its details via System > Web Proxies, and then add it to the configuration for the Management Node (Platform > Management Node) or the system location (Platform > Locations) you wish to use it for.

Option Description
Name The name used to refer to this proxy server.
Address The IP address or FQDN of the proxy server.

The IP port of the proxy server.

Default: 8080.



The username and password used when accessing the proxy server.

Next steps

You must now add the web proxy to the Management Node or to one or more System Locations.