You are here: Diagnostics > Service status > Usage statistics

Viewing usage statistics

Viewing graphs

To view the daily usage statistics per system location on:

  • the total number of minutes used, and
  • the highest number of concurrent ports used,

go to Status > Usage statistics.

These graphs show statistics for up to the past 100 days, even if you have rebooted or upgraded your system during that time. Each day represents usage for the 24-hour period from midnight UTC.

If there is no information available, for example if your system has been deployed in the last 24 hours, you will see the following message:

Information not yet available. This can take up to 1 hour.


Graph showing usage in minutes per day for a deployment spread across six locations

Graph showing the maximum number of concurrent ports used each day for a deployment spread across six locations

Viewing source data

To view the source data used to create each graph, click on the View source data link below the graph. This takes you to a page showing the source data in CSV format.

The source data goes back for the same amount of time as the administrator log, from which they are extracted. For more information, see About the administrator log.