You are here: Administration > Customizing with themes > File requirements for themes

File requirements for themes

The following sections list the complete set of audio, image and configuration files that make up a full theme, including how to manage video watermarking. This is also the same set of files that comprise the Base theme. When creating or editing a theme, you upload your own customized version of one or more of these files, ensuring each new file name is identical to that of the file being replaced.

All files must meet the requirements specified at the start of each section.


All sounds must be:

  • .WAV format
  • RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 48000 Hz

Points to note:

  • mono and 48000Hz are essential - audio files that do not meet these requirements will fail to upload.
  • The volume level of the audio recording is important - use the default Pexip Infinity prompts as a guide.
  • Some endpoints may take a few seconds after a call connects before they are able to receive audio. For this reason, we have included a 2-second pause at the start of any audio files that may be played when a user first connects to Pexip Infinity. We recommend that you include a similar pause; use the default Pexip Infinity files as a guide.

Audio files

File name Content in Base theme
2sd-invalid-number-three-times-disconnect_48kHz_mono.wav "You have entered an invalid number three times. I will now disconnect the call."
2sd-not-entered-valid-number-disconnect-call_48kHz_mono.wav "You have not entered a valid number. I will now disconnect the call."
2sd-number-not-valid-try-again_48kHz_mono.wav "That number is not valid. Please try again."
2sd-number-pound-key_48kHz_mono.wav "Please enter the number you wish to connect to, followed by the pound key." †
2sd-please-hold-connect-you_48kHz_mono.wav "Please hold while I try to connect you."
conf-call-will-be-disconnected_48kHz_mono.wav "Your call will be disconnected."
conf-capacity_exceeded_48kHz_mono.wav "The conferencing system capacity has been exceeded."
conf-getpin_48kHz_mono.wav "Please enter the conference PIN number."
conf-getpin_pound-key_48kHz_mono.wav "Please enter the conference PIN number, followed by the pound key." †
conf-insufficient_licenses_48kHz_mono.wav "There are insufficient conferencing system licenses available."
conf-invalid_license_48kHz_mono.wav "The conferencing system license is invalid."
conf-invalidpin_48kHz_mono.wav "The PIN is invalid for this conference."
conf-leaderhasleft_48kHz_mono.wav "The Host has left the conference. The conference is about to end."

<empty file>

(For more information, see Playing notification tones when participants join or leave a conference.)

conf-participant_exit_tone_48kHz_mono.wav <empty file>

Three knocks.

(For more information, see Locking a conference and allowing participants to join a locked conference.)

conf-placeintoconf_48kHz_mono.wav "Welcome to the conference."
conf-test_call_48kHz_mono.wav *

"Let's test your video and audio. Count out loud from one to three, now."

(For more information, see Configuring the Test Call Service.)

conf-test_call_disconnect_48kHz_mono.wav *

"If you have technical issues, check your settings or contact your administrator."

conf-waitforleader_48kHz_mono.wav "Waiting for the conference Host to join."
conf-waithostpin_48kHz_mono.wav "Waiting for the conference Host to join. If you are the conference Host, please enter the conference PIN number now."
conf-waithostpin_pound-key_48kHz_mono.wav "Waiting for the conference Host to join. If you are the conference Host, please enter the conference PIN number followed by the pound key." †
conf-you_are_the_only_participant_48kHz_mono.wav "You are the only participant in the conference."

* Added in v14.

† Alternative recordings using the term "hash key" are also available - see Preconfigured themes.


Each image must be a specific size and file format (PNG or JPEG), as specified in Image files. PNG images support transparency; JPEG images do not.

Points to note:

  • Ensure that the images display acceptably on both 16:9 endpoints and 4:3 endpoints (if applicable). For example, the original 1920 x 1080 pixel (16:9) images may have approximately 240 pixels cropped from both the left and right sides when displayed as 4:3. You should therefore check that any details on the far left or far right of the image are visible in both formats; for this reason we recommend keeping the image fairly central.
  • Depending on the endpoint capabilities and network conditions, images may be scaled down to CIF (352 x 288) or even QCIF (176 x 144), so ensure that images are not overly detailed, and any text uses a clear, large font to ensure that it is legible at low resolutions.
  • The transfer and two_stage_dialing images will be overlaid with system-generated text. By default this text is white, but the color can be changed via the themeconfig.json file. When creating customized themes, you must therefore ensure these images include sufficient empty space starting from 755 pixels from the top of the image, in a contrasting color to the text, to allow the text to be visible.
  • The default font for the overlaid system-generated text is Roboto, or if that is not available for the selected language, Noto Sans. Icons are from the Material Design icon library.
  • Pexip provides some resources for constructing your own themes at This includes white and black colored versions of the "no other participants" and "no other video participants" graphics. They are provided as transparent PNG files and can be used as overlays on top of your own background JPEG images.

Video watermarking

Video watermarking overlays a small transparent image onto the main speaker video during a conference (VMRs and Virtual Auditoriums). Watermarks are not added to calls placed via the Pexip Distributed Gateway.

The default watermark is a white "Pexip" logo. You can change the watermark image or disable watermarking completely.

When watermarking is enabled:

  • The contents of the watermark_icon.png file is used as the watermark image.
  • The top-left corner of the watermark is placed 56 pixels across and 40 pixels down from the top-left corner of the main speaker video, and the watermark area then extends 200 pixels across and 100 pixels down. These sizes are based on Full HD resolution — they will be smaller on lower resolutions.
  • The size and position of the watermark area cannot be customized.

Enabling or disabling watermarking

The disable_watermark_icon setting in the themeconfig.json file controls whether watermarking is enabled or not:

  • Set disable_watermark_icon to false to enable watermarking.
  • Set disable_watermark_icon to true to disable watermarking.

By default, disable_watermark_icon is set to false.

Changing the watermark image

When creating your own watermark file (watermark_icon.png) for inclusion in a theme:

  • The file must be PNG format and include a transparent image (if it is not transparent the overlaid content will be fully opaque).
  • We recommend that the watermark image is white with 40% transparency.
  • The image should be 200 pixels wide x 100 pixels high. Larger images are automatically scaled to fit to the top left corner of the watermark area (and thus may lose some definition).

Image files

File name Image size (width, height) File format Content in Base theme Notes
audio_indicator.png 100 x 100 pixels .PNG Used to represent an audio-only participant.
capacity_exceeded_image.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) when they attempt to join a conference that has reached its maximum number of participants. For more information, see Limiting the number of participants.
insufficient_license_image.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) when they are unable to join a conference because all call licenses are currently in use. For more information, see Insufficient licenses.
invalid_license_image.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) when they are unable to join a conference because the Pexip Infinity license is not valid. For more information, see Invalid license.
no_incoming_video_icon.png 400 x 400 pixels .PNG Shown when a participant's video stream is not available.
no_main_video_icon.png 400 x 400 pixels .PNG Used when streaming a conference to indicate that there is currently no main video.
no_other_participants.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown when there are no other participants in the conference.
no_other_video_participants.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown when all other participants are audio-only or control-only.
no_presentation_video_icon.png 400 x 400 pixels .PNG Used when dual streaming a conference to indicate that there is currently no presentation.
no_video_license.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants when they are unable to join a conference because all port (video) licenses are currently in use, but there was an audio license available. For more information, see Insufficient licenses.
pin_entry_0_digits_image.jpg ‡ 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) when entering PINs.
pin_entry_1_digits_image.jpg ‡ 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)
pin_entry_2_digits_image.jpg ‡ 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

pin_entry_3_digits_image.jpg ‡






... and so on, up to...

1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

pin_entry_20_digits_image.jpg ‡

1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

pin_entry_correct_image.jpg ‡

1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

pin_entry_incorrect_image.jpg ‡

1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)
plus_n_indicator.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

Background of the thumbnail on which the text showing the number of participants is overlaid.

Note: the color of the text is specified in the themeconfig.json file.


128 x 128 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

Shown next to the conference alias when using Infinity Connect clients, and as the contact avatar when using Lync / Skype for Business.

When the image is used, the corners will be cropped in order to be displayed as a round image.

streaming_indicator.png 100 x 100 pixels .PNG Used to indicate that the conference is being streamed or recorded.
test_call.jpg * 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

Shown at the start of a call to a Test Call Service.

(For more information, see Configuring the Test Call Service.)

test_call_during_recording.jpg * 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

Shown during a call to a Test Call Service. Note that a large, live (with a short delay) video image of the test call participant is shown on top of this JPG file during a test call.

test_call_disconnect.jpg * 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only)

Shown briefly prior to automatically disconnecting the participant from a Test Call Service.

timed_out.jpg 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown briefly prior to disconnecting participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) who have connected to a Virtual Reception but did not enter a valid conference number.
transfer.jpg † 1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown briefly to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) while being transferred from a Virtual Reception to a Virtual Meeting Room or Virtual Auditorium.

two_stage_dialing.jpg †

1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) who have connected to a Virtual Reception.


1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to participants (other than those using Infinity Connect) who have connected to a Virtual Reception and have entered an invalid conference number.


1920 x 1080 pixels .JPG (RGB mode only) Shown to Guests while waiting for a Host to join.
watermark_icon.png 200 x 100 pixels .PNG

Transparent image used for applying a watermark to the main speaker video in a conference.

The default image is a white Pexip logo with 40% transparency and is shown here against a blue background.

See Video watermarking for more information.

‡ When creating customized themes, these files can be automatically generated using a background image and foreground color of your choice.

† These images will be overlaid with system-generated text. By default this text is white, but the color can be changed via the themeconfig.json file. When creating customized themes, you must therefore ensure these images include sufficient empty space starting from 755 pixels from the top of the image, in a contrasting color to the text, to allow the text to be visible.

* Added in v14.

Configuring colors, background and text

The wording and color of certain text and image backgrounds can be customized via the optional themeconfig.json file.

All colors in this file are specified using RGB hexadecimal notation (in the format 0xnnnnnn), apart from the following:

  • indicator_num_bg_color

This color uses ARGB hexadecimal notation (0xnnnnnnnn), where the first two (optional) digits after the 0x represent the Alpha channel, indicating the level of opacity applied. Example values include:

  • 00 - fully transparent
  • 80 - 50% opaque
  • 99 - 60% opaque
  • BE - 75% opaque
  • E6 - 90% opaque
  • FF - fully opaque


The themeconfig.json contains the following. If any values within this file are not specified, Pexip Infinity will simply use the values from the Base theme.

    "enable_dtmf_conference_control" : true,
    "dtmf_conference_control_commands" : {
        "*7" : "toggle_lock",
        "*5" : "toggle_guest_mute",
        "##" : "end_conference"

    "no_main_video_bg" : "0x000000",
    "no_presentation_video_bg" : "0x000000",

    "disable_streaming_indicator" : false,
    "disable_watermark_icon" : false,
    "streaming_indicator_text" : "Streaming enabled",

    "virtual_reception_text_color" : "0xFFFFFF",

    "plus_n_indicator_text_color" : "0xF38B3C",

    "indicator_num_color" : "0xF38B3C",
    "indicator_num_bg_color" : "0xBE222222"

    "test_call_service_media_delay" : 2,
    "test_call_service_disconnect_timeout" : 10
Item Description Value in Base theme

Determines whether Host participants can use DTMF to control the conference (true) or not (false).


If DTMF controls are enabled, this section specifies the DTMF digits used for each control. Current controls are:

  • conference lock and unlock (toggle_lock)
  • mute and unmute all guests (toggle_guest_mute)
  • terminate the conference (end_conference)

When changing the DTMF controls, you must only edit the digits inside the first pair of quotes on each line (i.e. *7, *5 and ##). Editing anything else will disable DTMF commands.

Each control must be two DTMF digits long, and all the commands must be different. See Changing DTMF controls for guidance on best practice.

"*7" : "toggle_lock"
"*5" : "toggle_guest_mute"
"##" : "end_conference"
no_main_video_bg The color of the background to the no_main_video_icon.png image. 0x000000
no_presentation_video_bg The color of the background to the no_presentation_video_icon.png image. 0x000000
disable_streaming_indicator Determines whether the streaming indicator is disabled (true) or enabled (false). false
disable_watermark_icon Determines whether the watermark icon is overlaid onto the main speaker video (false) or is not used (true). See Video watermarking for more information. false
streaming_indicator_text The text that appears to the right of the streaming indicator when it slides out over the main video image. Streaming enabled


The color of the text that is overlaid at the bottom of the transfer.jpg and two_stage_dialing.jpg images. 0xFFFFFF
plus_n_indicator_text_color The color of the text that is overlaid on the plus_n_indicator.jpg image, which shows how many additional participants are in the conference. 0xF38B3C
indicator_num_color The color of the text that is overlaid on the indicator_num_bg
background, which slides out to show how many additional audio participants are in the conference.
indicator_num_bg_color † The color of the background to the indicator_num_color text, which slides out to show how many additional audio participants are in the conference. 0xBE222222
(75% opaque dark gray)
test_call_service_media_delay *

The number of seconds that media is delayed before being looped back to the caller when using a Test Call Service.

(For more information, see Configuring the Test Call Service.)


test_call_service_disconnect_timeout *

The number of seconds that a user can test their media before the disconnect message is played, when using a Test Call Service.


* Added in v14.

† This value can optionally include a level of transparency using ARGB notation, where the first two digits represent the level of opacity applied (see Configuring colors, background and text for more information).