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Log output

The Pexip Infinity Management Node collates the logs from itself and all Conferencing Nodes and compiles these into the support log and the administrator log (which is a subset of the events in the support log).

To view these logs from the Pexip Infinity Administrator interface, go to Status > Support log or Status > Administrator log. If required, you can export the logs to a text file by selecting Download.

You can also use a syslog server to collate logs remotely.

Log timestamps always use UTC.

The log appears in the format:

syslog_time system originating_time level name details


Field Description

In the format:


The time that the event was logged by syslog on the originating system.

system The IP address or host name of the system that sent the log message.

In the format:

year-month-day hour:minute:second,millisecond

The time at which the event occurred on the originating system.


The severity of the event. The levels, in order of increasing severity, are:

  • INFO
name The system module producing the log output.
details Information about the event, as a series of name=value pairs.

Administrator log system modules

The administrator log contains information about events occurring during the normal use of the system which may be of interest to a system administrator.

The following list shows typical events that are shown in the administrator log. In addition to these, logs may also contain one-off events, such as bulk configuration import and incident reports.

For the sake of brevity, the examples shown below feature only the name and details sections of the log message.


Logs when the Pexip Infinity application has started on this Conferencing Node. Also logs web-based activities such as:

  • import of service configuration
  • deployment of a Conferencing Node
  • configuration synchronization towards Conferencing Nodes
  • liveness status of Conferencing Nodes


Name="administrator.system" Message="Starting Infinity application." Pid="1650"
Name="administrator.system" Message="Deploying worker virtual machine." Address=""
Name="administrator.system" Message="Successfully deployed worker virtual machine." Address=""
Name="administrator.system.configuration" Message="Conferencing node configuration updated." Node="conferencingnode1"
Name="administrator.system.configuration" Message="Conferencing node appears unavailable." Node="conferencingnode1" Last-Reported="2013-06-20 14:21:35"
Name="administrator.system.configuration" Message="Conferencing node successfully updated after being marked unavailable." Node="conferencingnode1"
Name="administrator.system.connectivity" Message="Connectivity lost to node." Node="" Last-Reported="Mon Dec 9 15:28:12 2013"
Name="administrator.system.connectivity" Message="Connectivity re-established." Node="" Last-Reported="Mon Dec 9 15:28:12 2013"


This module logs when:

  • configuration is added or changed
  • a user logs in or logs out of the system, or fails to log in
  • a participant is manually dialed into a conference
  • license requests are processed


Configuration added
Configuration changed
Configuration deleted
User logged in
User logged out
User login failed
Initiated dial command
License activation request stored for offline processing
Processed license request


Parameter Definition
User The user who made the change.
Type The field that was changed/added.
ID The value that was assigned.
Remote-Address The IP address of the system from which the request was received.
Remote-Port The port on the system from which the request was received.


Name="administrator.configuration" Message="Configuration added" User="admin" Type="Virtual Meeting Room" ID="meet.alice"
Name="administrator.configuration" Message="User login failed" User="admins" Remote-Address="" Remote-Port="53991"


This module logs conference activity.


Each log entry includes information in the form of a series of name=value pairs. These are defined as follows:

Parameter Definition
Call-id An identifier that allows correlation of messages from the same participant URI but over different connections, for example covering both an API and a WebRTC connection.
Conference The name of the service being connected to.
ConferenceAlias The alias that was dialed in order to connect to the service.
Conversation-id An identifier that allows correlation of messages across separate "calls" for video+audio, RDP, chat for Lync / Skype for Business connections.
Detail The reason the call was disconnected (for disconnect events).
Direction Either "in" or "out" as to whether this is an inbound or outbound call.
Duration The duration of the call (for disconnect events).
Licenses The number of licenses allocated for the call.
Location The system location of the Conferencing Node that received the call.
Media-node The IP address of the Conferencing Node handling the media processing for the call.
Participant The name or alias of the conference participant.
Participant-id Allows correlation of messages from the same participant URI per connection type, for example an API connection will have a different Participant-id from a WebRTC connection.
Protocol The protocol of the call (may also indicate "BACKPLANE" when a backplane between Conferencing Nodes is established or removed).
Role The participant's role (either "host" / "chair" or "guest").
Service-tag The unique identifier for the service, if configured.

This is one of the following:

  • conference for a Virtual Meeting Room
  • lecture for a Virtual Auditorium
  • two_stage_dialing for a Virtual Reception
  • gateway for a Pexip Distributed Gateway call
Signaling-location The name of the location handling the signaling.
Signaling-node The IP address of the Conferencing Node handling the signaling for the call.
Vendor The vendor string of the endpoint that placed the call.


Trigger for the log message Example log entry
Logged when a participant tries to connect to a conference (at this stage it is the conference alias that is logged).

Message="Participant attempting to join conference." ConferenceAlias="" Participant="" Protocol="SIP" Direction="in" Participant-id="44be63a0-...c52"

A conference instance is created on a Conferencing Node. This occurs when the first participant attempts to join this conference on that Conferencing Node. The Conference parameter indicates the name of the service, not the alias being dialed.

Message="Conference has been created." Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag="" Service-type="conference"

The participant joins the conference. This log message is issued before​ a role is assigned.

Message="Participant has joined." Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag="" Service-type="conference" ConferenceAlias="" Participant="" DisplayName="Alice Smith" Protocol="SIP" Direction="in" Vendor="TANDBERG/257 (TE4.1.1.273710)" Call-id="fe7107ba-...16c" Conversation-id="fe7107ba-...16c" Participant-id="44be63a0-...c52" Location="London" Licenses="1" Signaling-node="" Signaling-location="London" Media-node=""

Logged if conference creation fails.

Message="Failed creating conference." Conference="meet" Service-tag=""

Logged if the participant cannot join the conference. The Reason may vary as appropriate.

Message="Participant failed to join conference." ConferenceAlias="" Participant="" Reason="Conference not found"

A participant leaves the conference. Includes the Duration (in seconds) for which they were present in the conference. This message provides the definitive record of the length of time a call was connected to a conference.

Message="Participant has disconnected." Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag="" Service-type="conference" ConferenceAlias="" Participant="" DisplayName="Alice Smith" Protocol="SIP" Direction="in" Call-id="fe7107ba-...16c" Conversation-id="fe7107ba-...16c" Participant-id="44be63a0-...c52" Location="London" Licenses="1" Signaling-node="" Signaling-location="London" Media-node="" Duration="63.123" Detail="Remote disconnect"

A conference has stopped on a particular Conferencing Node. The Duration of this conference is given in seconds.

Message="Conference has been stopped." Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag="" Service-type="conference" Duration="62.234"

A participant starts / stops presenting.

Message="Participant is presenting." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant has stopped presenting." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243"

These messages are logged when the Infinity Connect Mobile client or Infinity Connect client (or any third party using the Pexip Client API) controls participants in a conference.

Message="Participant hold requested by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant resume requested by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant disconnect requested by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant mute/unmute requested by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant presentation receipt enabled by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Participant presentation receipt disabled by API." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243"

Message="Outgoing call requested" Conference="meet" Participant="" Protocol="SIP" Role="chair"

Message="Sending DTMF to participant." Conference="meet" Service-tag="" Participant="" Call-id="e5dbd44b...243" Conversation-id="e5dbd44b...243" Digits="4"

These messages are logged when participants attempt to join a PIN-protected conference.

Message="PIN entry correct." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="27efdd36...6be" Role="host" Detail="Participant entered correct conference PIN and will be placed into the conference."

Message="Participant entered incorrect conference PIN" RetriesRemaining="2" Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="27efdd36...6be"

Message="Participant exceeded PIN entry retries. Call will be disconnected." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="27efdd36...6be"

Message="PIN entry timed out." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="a15dc445-...dfc" Detail="The correct PIN has not been received. Call will be disconnected."

These messages occur when participants are involved in a PIN-protected conference.

Message="Host participant joining." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="4d3ad9a1-...833" Role="chair" Detail="Participant will be automatically placed into the conference."

Message="Conference host timeout." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="4d3ad9a1-...833" Detail="The conference host has not joined. Call will be disconnected."

Message="Guest participant waiting." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="50a86594-...797" Role="guest" Detail="Waiting until participant is allowed to join the conference."

Message="Guest participant joining." Participant="" ConferenceAlias="" Call-id="50a86594-...797" Role="guest" Detail="Participant will be automatically placed into the conference."

These messages occur when automatically ending a conference

Message="Last host left the conference and has not re-joined; conference will be terminated." Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag=""

Message="Removing participant due to conference termination" Participant="" Conference="Meet Alice" Service-tag=""


This module logs outbound calls placed from a conference or via the Pexip Distributed Gateway.


Message="Placing outbound call" ConferenceAlias="" DisplayName="meet.alice" Participant-alias="" Protocol="SIP"

Logged when dialing out from a conference.

Message="Placing outbound call" Conference="Route to Lync:423a18c5-b06c-4654-9d34-e6b82f308b64" ConferenceAlias="" DisplayName="Alice" Participant-alias="" Protocol="MSSIP"

Logged when making a call via the Pexip Distributed Gateway.


This module logs the aliases that are matched against Call Routing Rules. The parsed or unparsed alias match type depends upon the rule's Match against full alias URI setting.


Message="Alias matched gateway rule" Name="Route calls from Lync" Description="" Service-tag="" Unparsed-alias="" Parsed-alias="" Matched-alias-type="Parsed-alias"


This module logs endpoint registration activities.


Message="Registration added" Alias="" Protocol="SIP" Registration-id="8695ea23-66fb-41d2-9266-d16598f5d133" Natted="False"

Logged when a registration is added.

Message="Registration deleted" Alias="" Protocol="WebRTC" Registration-id="6936f540-6dbc-40ac-9d55-5469bbf4e561" Reason="Registration expired"

Logged when a registration is removed.


This module logs VMR and device synchronization template activities.


Message="Beginning VMR Sync" template="All employees" creating_vmrs="219" deleting_vmrs="0" modifying_vmrs="0" unchanged_vmrs="0"

Logged when a VMR template synchronization is initiated.

Message="Completed VMR Sync" template="Europe" status="sync_succeeded" vmrs_created="18" vmrs_deleted="10" vmrs_updated="5" vmrs_unchanged="34" warnings="3" last_warning="Sync template clash: attempt to create same conference multiple times"

Logged when a VMR template synchronization finishes.


This module logs cloud bursting activities.


Message="On-prem location 'Oslo' is overloaded! Starting instance i-0043088a9073b57e6 (stopped) in location 'AWS eu-west-1'"

Logged when an overflow Conferencing Node is started up.

Message="Shutting down idle worker i-597394d2 (running) (uptime: 50 minutes)"

Logged when an overflow Conferencing Node is shut down.

Support Log system modules

Support logs provide a more detailed record of activity on the MCU.


Shows SIP signaling.


Shows DNS lookups associated with SIP signaling.


Shows BFCP signaling.

support.h323.q931, support.h323.ras, support.h323.h245

Shows H.323 signaling.

Shows messages to and from the Pexip Client API (used by the Infinity Connect Mobile client, Infinity Connect client, and other third parties).

Content of signaling messages

All log lines for signaling-related messages contain source and destination IP addresses and ports.

Multi-line messages are encoded on a single line with the character sequence ^M representing a linebreak.

In addition to observing remote IP addresses, for H323 logging, a Uuid is present for H.225 (RAS) and H.245 signaling messages. These come from the same IP address but different ports, and the Uuid allows you to identify that they relate to the same call.

For BFCP signaling, all log lines are tied to a SIP Call-id.

Most of the content of the support log is the signaling messages themselves; however it also includes logging such as TCP and TLS connection attempts, successes, and failures.


This module logs details about conference participants, including presentation stream activation, loss of incoming video, and call media statistics when a call is completed.


An example of end-of-call media statistics is as follows:

Name="support.participant" Message="Media Stream destroyed" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@" Detail="Stream 0 (audio)
  RX: rate 54kbps loss 0.77% jitter 6ms
  TX: rate 61kbps loss 0.00% jitter 2ms
    codec MP4A-LATM rate 64kbps"
Name="support.participant" Message="Media Stream destroyed" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@" Detail="Stream 1 (video)
  RX: rate 1085kbps loss 0.00% jitter 3ms
  TX: rate 699kbps loss 0.00% jitter 5ms
    codec H264 rate 700kbps resolution 768x448 fps 30"
Name="support.participant" Message="Current participant is the presenter" Participant="" Call-id="c15b773a81af1740@"
Name="support.participant" Message="Presentation started" Presenter="" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@"
Name="support.participant" Message="Stopped sending presentation to participant" Last-presenter="" Participant="" Call-id=890b38520c27737c@"
Name="support.participant" Message="Call is on hold" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@"
Name="support.participant" Message="Call has resumed" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@"
Name="support.participant" Message="Lost incoming video" Participant="" Call-id="890b38520c27737c@"