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Policy server responses

The external policy server response to a request should be a 200 OK message. The response header must include the Content-Type, and the message body must include the requested content.

The policy server can return an error code e.g. 404 if it wants Pexip Infinity to fall back to its own default behavior for a specific request.

The following table summarizes the response expected for each request type. Further details are explained below.

Policy request type Response
Service configuration JSON dictionary of key value pairs that contains the service configuration data.
Media location JSON dictionary of key value pairs that contains the primary location and optional overflow location data.
Participant avatar JPEG file of the requested size.

Service configuration response

The response for a service configuration request must return a Content-Type of application/json where the message body is a JSON dictionary of key value pairs as follows:

"status" : "success",
"action" : "reject|continue"
"result" : { <service_configuration_data> },
"<other_keys>" : "<other_values>"


  • if "status" is anything other than "success", the response is deemed to have failed and Pexip Infinity will do as specified in the "action" field.
  • "action" is an optional value to include in the response. When present, it instructs Pexip Infinity how to proceed in failure scenarios.

    The "action" field is ignored if "status" is "success" and "result" contains valid service configuration data (and it is a 200 OK message). In all other cases:

    • "reject" instructs Pexip Infinity to reject the call immediately (i.e. return "conference not found")
    • "continue" instructs Pexip Infinity to fall back to its default behavior (which is to attempt to retrieve the service configuration data from its own internal database)

      For any other value of "action" (or if no "action" is specified), Pexip Infinity will also fall back to its default behavior.

  • "result" contains the service configuration data object as described below.
  • "<other_keys>" and "<other_values>" can be zero, one or more optional key value pairs. If included, they do not affect how Pexip Infinity processes the response but they will be included in any relevant log messages. They could, for example, indicate the version number of the software running on the policy server, or contain "reason" information for failure responses.

See the response examples for more information on formatting the message body.

Service configuration data

The "result" in a service configuration response contains a service configuration data object. This is a JSON object containing multiple key value pairs that describe the service.

Some data fields are required, and some are optional. The fields expected by Pexip Infinity in the response depend upon the returned service_type — either "conference" or "lecture" for a Virtual Meeting Room or Virtual Auditorium, "gateway" for a Pexip Distributed Gateway call or "two_stage_dialing" for a Virtual Reception. The fields in the JSON object can be supplied in any order.

Virtual Meeting Room / Virtual Auditorium service types response fields

Pexip Infinity expects the following fields to be returned for a service_type of "conference" (VMR) or "lecture" (Virtual Auditorium):

Field name Required Type Description
service_type Yes String

The type of service, in this case:

  • "conference" — a Virtual Meeting Room, or
  • "lecture" — a Virtual Auditorium
name Yes String

The name of the service. The policy server will typically determine the service name according to the local_alias received in the configuration request.

Pexip Infinity will subsequently use this name — as the service_name parameter — in subsequent requests.

description No String

A description of the service.

service_tag Yes String

A unique identifier used to track usage of this service.

pin No String

Host PIN — the secure access code for Host participants.

allow_guests No Boolean

Whether to distinguish between Host and guest participants:

  • true — the conference has two types of participants: Hosts and guests. The pin to be used by Hosts must be specified. A guest_pin can optionally be specified; if a guest_pin is not specified, guests can join without a PIN.
  • false — all participants have Host privileges

Default: false

guest_pin No String

Guest PIN — the secure access code for Guest participants.

max_callrate_in No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will receive from each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

max_callrate_out No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will send to each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

participant_​limit No Integer

The maximum number of participants allowed to join the service.

ivr_theme_name No String

The name of the theme to use with the service. If no theme is specified, the default Pexip theme is used.

automatic_​participants No List

A list of participants to dial automatically when the conference starts. Each participant in the list contains a number of fields as described in Automatically dialed participants (ADP) fields.


(applies to service_type of "conference" only)

No String

The layout seen by all participants:

  • "one_main_zero_pips" — full-screen main speaker only
  • "one_main_seven_pips" — large main speaker and up to 7 other participants
  • "one_main_twentyone_pips" — small main speaker and up to 21 other participants

Default: "one_main_seven_pips"


(applies to service_type of "lecture" only)

No String

The layout seen by Hosts:

  • "one_main_zero_pips" — full-screen main speaker only
  • "one_main_seven_pips" — large main speaker and up to 7 other participants
  • "one_main_twentyone_pips" — small main speaker and up to 21 other participants

Default: "one_main_seven_pips"


(applies to service_type of "lecture" only)

No String

The layout seen by Guests:

  • "one_main_zero_pips" — full-screen main speaker only
  • "one_main_seven_pips" — large main speaker and up to 7 other participants
  • "one_main_twentyone_pips" — small main speaker and up to 21 other participants

Default: "one_main_seven_pips"

Only Hosts are displayed. Guests can hear but not see any of the other Guests.

locked No Boolean

Whether to lock the conference on creation:

  • true — the conference will be locked on creation
  • false — the conference will not be locked

Note that this field has no effect on the conference if it is already running.

Default: false

call_type No String

The call capability of the conference. It can be limited to:

  • "video" — main video plus presentation
  • "video-only" — main video only
  • "audio" — audio-only

Default: "video"


(applies to service_type of "lecture" only)

No Boolean

Controls whether the Host who is presenting is locked into the main video position:

  • true — the Host sending the presentation stream will always hold the main video position
  • false — the main video position is voice-switched

Default: false


(applies to service_type of "lecture" only)

No Boolean

Controls whether to mute guests when they first join the conference:

  • true — mute guests when they first join the conference
  • false — do not mute guests when they first join the conference

Default: false

Pexip Distributed Gateway service type response fields

Pexip Infinity expects the following fields to be returned for a service_type of "gateway":

Field name Required Type Description
service_type Yes String

The type of service, in this case:

  • "gateway" — a Pexip Distributed Gateway call
name Yes String

The name of the service. The policy server will typically determine the service name according to the local_alias received in the configuration request.

Pexip Infinity will subsequently use this name — as the service_name parameter — in subsequent requests.

description No String

A description of the service.

service_tag Yes String

A unique identifier used to track usage of this service.

max_callrate_in No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will receive from each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

max_callrate_out No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will send to each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

ivr_theme_name No String

The name of the theme to use with the service. If no theme is specified, the default Pexip theme is used.

remote_alias Yes String

The alias of the endpoint to call.

The alias can include scheme information, for example, but the call will always be made using the specified outgoing_protocol.

local_alias Yes String The calling or "from" alias. This is the alias that the recipient would use to return the call.
local_display_name No String The display name of the calling alias.
outgoing_protocol Yes String

The protocol to use to place the outgoing call:

  • "h323" — an H.323 call; you can also optionally nominate an h323_gatekeeper_name
  • "sip" — a SIP call; you can also optionally nominate a sip_proxy_name
  • "mssip" — a Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business call; you can also optionally nominate an mssip_proxy_name and a turn_server_name
  • "rtmp" — uses the RTMP protocol; typically this is used for content streaming
outgoing_​location_name No String The name* of the location of a Conferencing Node from which to place the call.
h323_gatekeeper_​name No String The name* of the H.323 gatekeeper to use to place the outgoing call. DNS is used if no gatekeeper is specified.
sip_proxy_name No String The name* of the SIP proxy to use to place the outgoing call. DNS is used if no proxy is specified.
mssip_proxy_name No String The name* of the Lync / Skype for Business server to use to place the outgoing call. DNS is used if no server is specified.
turn_server_name No String The name* of the TURN server to offer to external SIP and WebRTC endpoints that are ICE-enabled (such as Lync / Skype for Business clients and Infinity Connect WebRTC clients).
stun_server_name No String The name* of the STUN server to use when placing calls to external SIP and WebRTC endpoints that are ICE-enabled (such as Lync / Skype for Business clients and Infinity Connect WebRTC clients).
call_type No String

The call capability of the outbound call:

  • "video" — main video plus presentation
  • "video-only" — main video only
  • "audio" — audio-only
  • "auto" — match the capability of the outbound call to that of the inbound call

Default: "video"

called_device_type No String

The device or system to which to route the call:

  • "external" — route the call to a matching registered device if it is currently registered, otherwise attempt to route the call via an external system
  • "registration" — route the call to a matching registered device only (providing it is currently registered)
  • "mssip_conference_id" — route the call via a Lync / Skype for Business server to an AVMCU conference where the remote_alias is a Lync / Skype for Business Conference ID
  • "mssip_server" — route the call via a Lync / Skype for Business server to a Lync client or to an AVMCU conference

Default: "external"

* The returned "name" must match the name of the location, H.323 gatekeeper, SIP proxy etc configured within Pexip Infinity.

Virtual Reception service type response fields

Pexip Infinity expects the following fields to be returned for a service_type of "two_stage_dialing" (Virtual Reception):

Field name Required Type Description
service_type Yes String

The type of service, in this case:

  • "two_stage_dialing" — a Virtual Reception
name Yes String

The name of the service. The policy server will typically determine the service name according to the local_alias received in the configuration request.

Pexip Infinity will subsequently use this name — as the service_name parameter — in subsequent requests.

description No String

A description of the service.

service_tag Yes String

A unique identifier used to track usage of this service.

max_callrate_in No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will receive from each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

max_callrate_out No Integer

The maximum media bandwidth in bps that Pexip Infinity will send to each individual participant dialed in to the service. Range 384000 to 4096000 bps.

ivr_theme_name No String

The name of the theme to use with the service. If no theme is specified, the default Pexip theme is used.

call_type No String

The call capability of the reception. It can be limited to:

  • "video" — main video plus presentation
  • "video-only" — main video only
  • "audio" — audio-only

Default: "video"

Automatically dialed participants (ADP) fields

The automatic_participants list field, which may be included in the service configuration response for a service_type of "conference" (VMR) or "lecture" (Virtual Auditorium), contains the following fields per participant:

Field name Required Type Description
remote_alias Yes String The alias of the endpoint to call.
local_alias Yes String The calling or "from" alias. This is the alias that the recipient would use to return the call.
local_display_​name No String The display name of the calling or "from" alias.
description No String The display name of the called participant. This may be used in participant lists and as a text overlay in some layout configurations.
protocol Yes String

The protocol to use to place the outgoing call:

  • "h323" — an H.323 call
  • "sip" — a SIP call
  • "mssip" — a Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business call
  • "rtmp" — uses the RTMP protocol; typically this is used for content streaming

Calls are routed to externally-located participants based on the configuration of the system location used to place the call.

role Yes String

The level of privileges the participant has in the conference:

  • "chair" — the participant has Host privileges
  • "guest" — the participant has guest privileges
dtmf_sequence No String The DTMF sequence to be transmitted after the call to the Automatically Dialed Participant starts.
system_location_​name No String The location of the Conferencing Node from which to place the call.
streaming No Boolean

Identifies the dialed participant as a streaming or recording device.

  • true — the participant is a streaming or recording device
  • false — the participant is not a streaming or recording device

Default: false

keep_conference_​alive No String

Specifies whether a Host ADP may or may not keep a conference alive after the last Host disconnects:

  • "keep_conference_alive" — keep alive when the ADP is the only participant remaining
  • "keep_conference_alive_if_multiple" — keep alive if two or more participants with this setting remain in the call
  • "keep_conference_alive_never" — terminate the conference if they are the only participant remaining

Default: "keep_conference_alive_if_multiple"

For more information, see Automatically ending a conference.

call_type No String

The call capability of the participant. It can be limited to:

  • "video" — main video plus presentation
  • "video-only" — main video only
  • "audio" — audio-only

Default: "video"

Example service configuration data response

Response containing service configuration data

This is an example of a JSON dictionary of key value pairs that contains service configuration data.

"status" : "success",
"result" : {
  "service_type" : "conference",
  "name" : "Alice Jones",
  "service_tag" : "abcd1234",
  "description" : "Alice Jones personal VMR",
  "pin" : "1234",
  "allow_guests" : true,
  "guest_pin" : "5678",
  "view" : "one_main_zero_pips",
  "automatic_participants" : 
      "remote_alias" : "",
      "local_alias" : "",
      "local_display_name" : "Alice's VMR",
      "description" : "Dial out to VMR owner",
      "protocol" : "sip",
      "role" : "chair",
      "system_location_name" : "London"
      "remote_alias" : "rtmp://",
      "local_alias" : "",
      "local_display_name" : "Alice's VMR",
      "description" : "Stream the meeting",
      "protocol" : "rtmp",
      "role" : "guest",
      "streaming" : true
"xyz_version" : "1.2"

Response instructing Pexip Infinity to reject the call

This is an example response that tells Pexip Infinity to reject a call. This could be sent in a 200 OK message, or in a 404 response.

"status" : "success",
"action" : "reject"

Note that Pexip Infinity will also reject the call if "status" is set to a different value (such as "failure") or if "status" is omitted entirely.

Media location response

The response for a media location request must return a Content-Type of application/json where the message body contains a JSON dictionary of key value pairs as follows:

"status" : "success",
"result" : { <media_location_data> }
"<other_keys>" : "<other_values>"


  • if "status" is anything other than "success", the response is deemed to have failed and Pexip Infinity will fall back to its own default behavior for that request.
  • "result" contains the media location data as described below.
  • "<other_keys>" and "<other_values>" can be zero, one or more optional key value pairs. If included, they do not affect how Pexip Infinity processes the response but they will be included in any relevant log messages. They could, for example, indicate the version number of the software running on the policy server, or contain "reason" information for failure responses.

Media location data

<media location data> is a JSON object containing multiple key values pairs that describe the media location to use. The fields in the JSON object can be supplied in any order.

Field name Required Description
location Yes The name* of the principal location to use for media allocation. A Conferencing Node assigned to that location will handle the media for the participant.
primary_overflow_location No The name* of the system location to handle the media if the principal location has reached its capacity.
secondary_overflow_location No The name* of the system location to handle the media if both the principal location and the primary overflow location have reached their capacity.
* The returned "name" must match the name of a location configured within Pexip Infinity. If any of the location names included in the response do not match a configured location within Pexip Infinity, the entire response is deemed to have failed and Pexip Infinity will fall back to its own default behavior for that request.

Example media location data response

This is an example of a JSON dictionary of key value pairs that contains media location data.

"status" : "success",
"result" : {
  "location" : "London",
  "primary_overflow_location" : "Oslo"

Avatar responses

The response for an avatar request must return a Content-Type of image/jpeg.

All JPEG images must use the RGB or RGBA color space (CMYK is not supported).

Participant avatar response

The policy server should return a JPEG image of the requested size (width, height).

If a valid JPEG image is not returned or the image is the wrong size, Pexip Infinity will return a 404 Not Found response to the caller (i.e. the Infinity Connect client) which will then use its standard placeholder participant image.