You are here: Installation > Getting started > Running the installation wizard

Running the Pexip Infinity installation wizard

When you have opened a console window on the Management Node VM, the following prompt will appear:
pexipmcumgr login:

To run the installation wizard:

  1. At the prompt, enter the username admin.

    The display will read:

    You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
    Enter new UNIX password:

  2. Create a password for the Management Node operating system by typing the password, pressing enter, retyping the password, and pressing enter again.
  3. Ensure you record the password in a secure location. After you have finished running the installation wizard you will not need the password again unless you need to access the Management Node using SSH.

    You will be presented with another login prompt:

    Running Pexip installation wizard...
    [sudo] password for admin:

  4. Log in again with the password you just created.

    The Pexip installation wizard will begin.

    You can re-run the installation wizard manually at any point - see Running the Pexip Infinity installation wizard.

  5. Follow the prompts to set the following configuration for the Management Node.

    If you press enter, the default value will be applied:

    Setting Default value Multiple entries allowed? Can be changed via Pexip Infinity Administrator interface?
    IP address * No No ‡
    Network mask * No No ‡
    Gateway * No No ‡
    Hostname <no default> No No ‡
    Domain suffix <no default> No No ‡
    DNS server Yes, if separated by a space Yes
    NTP server †

    Two of the following:

    Yes, if separated by a space Yes
    Web administration username admin No No ‡
    Web administration password <no default> No Yes
    Enable incident reporting (yes/no) <no default>   Yes
    Send deployment and usage statistics to Pexip (yes/no) <no default>   Yes

    * These defaults apply only if your network does not have DHCP enabled. If DHCP is enabled, the defaults will be those allocated by the DHCP server. The addresses you enter using this wizard will be assigned as static IP addresses.

    † The NTP server must be accessible by the Management Node at the time the startup wizard is run. Installation will fail if the Management Node is unable to synchronize its time with an NTP server.

    ‡ After they have been configured, do not attempt to change these settings by any other means. To change these settings, you must re-run the installation wizard.

    The installation will begin and the Management Node will restart using the values you have configured.

    When the Management Node has restarted the console will display a login prompt:
    <hostname> login:

    At this point you can close the console. All further configuration should now be done (if you encounter SSL connection errors when using the Administrator interface, wait a few seconds to allow the relevant services to start before trying again).

Next steps

After you have run the installation wizard, all further configuration should be done using the Pexip Infinity Administrator interface. See Next steps after running the installation wizard.