You are here: Integration > Management API > History API

Management history API

The API can be used to view historical information about Pexip Infinity conference instances that are no longer in progress. For example, this can be used to obtain Call Detail Records (CDRs) of the Pexip Infinity platform.

Note that all date and time fields are in UTC time format.

Up to 5000 entries each are retained for participants and conference instances. Above this, the oldest entries are deleted each time a new entry is made.

History resources

The following history resources are available via the REST API:

Component Path
Conference instance /api/admin/history/v1/conference/
Participant /api/admin/history/v1/participant/
Participant media statistics /api/admin/history/v1/participant/<participant_id>/media_stream/

Resource methods

Each history resource supports the following HTTP methods:

Method Action
GET Retrieves the history for a resource.

Pagination and filtering

History requests can be parametrized with pagination and filter fields. For more information, see Pagination and Filtering in the Management configuration API section.


Getting all conference instances

Retrieving all the conference history is achieved by submitting a GET request to the resource URI for conference history:

import json
import requests
response = requests.get(
    auth=('<user1>', '<password1>'),
print "Conference history:", json.loads(response.text)['objects']

Note that up to 5000 conference instances will be stored in the history and by default the response will be paginated.

Example output

Conference history: [
    'duration': 579,
    'end_time': '2015-04-10T09:49:26.556929',
    'id': '8583f400-7886-48c9-874b-5fefc2ac097e',
    'instant_message_count': 0,
    'name': 'meet.alice',
    'participant_count': 3,
    'participants': [
    'resource_uri': '/api/admin/history/v1/conference/8583f400-7886-48c9-874b-5fefc2ac097e/',
    'service_type': 'conference',
    'start_time': '2015-04-10T09:39:47',
    'tag': ''

Getting all participants for a conference instance

Retrieving all the participants for a historical conference instance is achieved by submitting a GET request to the resource URI for participant history and supplying a query parameter to specify the conference.

The following example finds all participants for the conference with the ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001:

import json
import requests
response = requests.get(
    auth=('<user1>', '<password1>'),
print "Participants for conference:", json.loads(response.text)['objects']

Example output

Participants for conference: [
    'bandwidth': 768,
    'call_direction': 'in',
    'call_uuid': 'b0a5b554-d1de-11e3-a321-000c29e37602',
    'conference': '/api/admin/history/v1/conference/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/',
    'conference_name': 'VMR_1',
    'disconnect_reason': 'Call disconnected',
    'display_name': 'Bob',
    'duration': 519,
    'encryption': 'On',
    'end_time': '2015-04-02T09:55:33.141261',
    'has_media': True,		
    'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003',
    'license_count': 1,
    'local_alias': '',
    'media_node': '',
    'media_streams': [
          'end_time': '2015-07-22T12:43:33.645043',
          'id': 36,
          'node': '',
          'participant': '/api/admin/history/v1/participant/5881adda-00ef-4315-8886-5d873d2ef269/',
          'rx_bitrate': 29,
          'rx_codec': 'opus',
          'rx_packet_loss': 0.0,
          'rx_packets_lost': 0,
          'rx_packets_received': 28091,
          'rx_resolution': '',
          'start_time': '2015-07-22T12:33:31.909536',
          'stream_id': '0',
          'stream_type': 'audio',
          'tx_bitrate': 2,
          'tx_codec': 'opus',
          'tx_packet_loss': 0.0,
          'tx_packets_lost': 0,
          'tx_packets_sent': 56347,
          'tx_resolution': ''
          'end_time': '2015-07-22T12:43:33.683385',
          'id': 37,
          'node': '',
          'participant': '/api/admin/history/v1/participant/5881adda-00ef-4315-8886-5d873d2ef269/',
          'rx_bitrate': 511,
          'rx_codec': 'VP8',
          'rx_packet_loss': 0.01,
          'rx_packets_lost': 2,
          'rx_packets_received': 37027,
          'rx_resolution': '1280x720',
          'start_time': '2015-07-22T12:33:32.151438',
          'stream_id': '1',
          'stream_type': 'video',
          'tx_bitrate': 511,
          'tx_codec': 'VP8',
          'tx_packet_loss': 0.0,
          'tx_packets_lost': 0,
          'tx_packets_sent': 37335,
          'tx_resolution': '768x448'
    'parent_id': '29744376-0436-4fe1-ab80-06d93c71eb1c',
    'protocol': 'WebRTC',
    'remote_address': '',
    'remote_alias': 'Infinity_Connect_Media_10.0.0.2',
    'remote_port': 11007,
    'resource_uri': '/api/admin/history/v1/participant/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003/',
    'role': 'chair',
    'service_tag': '',
    'service_type': 'conference',
    'signalling_node': '',
    'start_time': '2015-04-02T09:46:53.712941',
    'system_location': 'London',
    'vendor': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.101 Safari/537.36'
    'bandwidth': 0,
    'call_direction': 'in',
    'call_uuid': '1c26be9c-6511-4e5c-9588-8351f8c3decd',
    'conference': '/api/admin/history/v1/conference/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/',
    'conference_name': 'VMR_1',
    'disconnect_reason': 'Call disconnected',
    'display_name': 'Alice',
    'duration': 578,
    'encryption': 'On',
    'end_time': '2015-04-02T09:55:49.348317',
    'has_media': False,
    'id': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002',
    'license_count': 0,
    'local_alias': '',
    'media_node': '',
    'media_streams': [],
    'parent_id': '',
    'protocol': 'WebRTC',
    'remote_address': '',
    'remote_alias': 'Infinity_Connect_10.0.0.2',
    'remote_port': 54686,
    'resource_uri': '/api/admin/history/v1/participant/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002/',
    'role': 'chair',
    'service_tag': '',
    'service_type': 'conference',
    'signalling_node': '',
    'start_time': '2015-04-02T09:46:11.116767',
    'system_location': 'London',
    'vendor': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.101 Safari/537.36'

Getting all participants for a time period

The following example uses filters to find all the participants whose call ended on 8 April 2015:

import json
import requests
response = requests.get(
    auth=('<user1>', '<password1>'),
print "Participants for 8th April :", json.loads(response.text)['objects']

Getting all participants with packet loss

The following example uses a filter to find all the participants with a media stream that had transmit packet loss greater than 0.5%:

import json
import requests
response = requests.get(
    auth=('<user1>', '<password1>'),
print "Participants with high transmit packet loss :", json.loads(response.text)['objects']

The following example uses a filter to find all the participants with a media stream that had receive packet loss greater than 0.5%:

import json
import requests
response = requests.get(
    auth=('<user1>', '<password1>'),
print "Participants with high receive packet loss :", json.loads(response.text)['objects']