Support tools and raising tickets for the Pexip Service
This article provides links to tools that may be useful in troubleshooting any issues you or your customers may be experiencing in the Pexip Service, and explains how to raise a support ticket if necessary, and how to provide a Pexip Control Center URL or Analytics URL for a VMR, subscription, or call.
Support tools
General tools, available to all:
- Service status:
- Video network assessment test:
- Domain check: (to ensure your domain has been configured correctly for the Pexip Service)
- Firewall ports for the Pexip Serviceare here
- Pexip web app / My Meeting Video (for end users):
Tools for registered partners only (sign-in required):
- Partner support/tickets:
- Support portal:
- Analytics:
We also recommend that you sign up to our Pexip Service technical mailing list to be notified of updates to the Pexip Service.
Raising tickets
This flowchart demonstrates the triage process for raising a support ticket:
To open a ticket, look for the Pexip support after you have signed in.
button on the home page ofWhen raising a support ticket to troubleshoot an issue, you may need to supply the URL of the webpage within Pexip Control Center Analytics for the VMR, subscriber or call details page in question.
Here is an example template of the sort of troubleshooting information that you should collect and provide when reporting a fault ticket to Pexip support. In this example the customer is unable to register an endpoint via the endpoint activation app:
[Issue Description]
-Unable to register endpoint using the activation app.
[System Information]
-Model: Cisco Tandberg 1700 MXP
-Software Version: F8.2
-Serial Number: 39A01234
[Pexip Subscription Info]
- Portal Link:…...)
-Ran successful Network Assessment Test
-Confirmed DNS is present on the system.
-Rebooted system: Issue Persists
-Factory reset system: Issue Persists
[Next Steps]
- Please provide additional troubleshooting steps or manual configuration to activate system on the Pexip Network.
Providing Pexip Control Center URLs
When troubleshooting or raising a ticket, Pexip support may ask for the Pexip Control Center URL for the specific VMR, subscription or call concerned. To do this you need to:
- Sign in to Pexip Control Center (see Managing user access to Pexip Control Center).
- Within PCC, select the relevant company.
In the company overview, you can access the following:
- Call: If you need to refer to a specific call, go to , navigate to a call, open it and use the URL in the browser’s address bar.
- Video System: Navigate to the page, select one system from the list and copy the URL in the browser’s address bar.
- VMR: Navigate to the page, select a virtual room from the list and copy the URL in the browser’s address bar.
- User: Navigate to the page, select a user from the list and copy the URL in the browser’s address bar.
For questions that are not related to a specific video system or call, please use the URL of the company overview page.
Providing Analytics URLs
When troubleshooting or raising a ticket, Pexip support may ask for the Analytics URL for the specific VMR, subscription or call concerned. To do this you need to:
- Sign in to Analytics (see Analytics access management).
- Within Analytics, select the relevant company.
In the company overview, underneath network call trends, you have subscriber status and VMR status. You can access the following:
- Subscriber: Select the subscriber (you can use the filter box to help find the subscriber name/address) and then copy and use the subscription URL in the browser's address bar.
- VMR: Select the VMR (you can use the filter box to help find the VMR name/address), and then copy and use the VMR URL in the browser's address bar.
- Call: If you need to refer to a specific call, you can first navigate via the subscriber or VMR as described above, then select the relevant call to get to the page. You can then copy and use the URL in the browser's address bar.