Analytics access management

This article describes how to manage access to Pexip Analytics ( It covers how to get access, and how to invite and revoke users.

Getting access to Analytics

Access to Analytics is managed within your own team by an appointed Analytics Administrator. Analytics Access and Analytics Administrator are roles appointed to active Partner Portal users.

See Portal accounts and roles for more information.

Locating your Analytics Administrator

If you have a Partner Manager role, open the Users list in the Partner Portal. In the active users overview, look for users that have "Y" in the "AAA" column. A user with this privilege has the authority to invite you to access the Analytics tool.

If you have a Read-only or Regular user role, please contact one of your colleagues with a Partner Manager role.

If nobody in your team already has the role of Analytics Administrator, you need to open a support ticket requesting that one of your Portal Manager users is given the Analytics Administrator role. To open a ticket, look for the Submit a request button on the home page of Pexip support after you have signed in.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Pexip Analytics requires users to authenticate themselves using two-factor authentication.

See Setting up two-factor authentication for logging in to the Partner Portal and Partner Analytics for details.

Inviting others to use Analytics

If you are an Analytics Administrator, you can invite other users to use Analytics:

  1. Select the Users link in top right corner of the Partner Portal.

  2. In the active users overview, select the user that should be invited to Analytics.
  3. Select "No access. Click to invite" to invite the user to access Analytics.

  4. An email is sent to the user with instructions on how to activate the Analytics access.

Removing access to Analytics

If you are an Analytics Administrator, you can remove other users' access to Analytics:

  1. Select the Users link in top right corner of the Partner Portal.
  2. In the active users overview, select the user that should be removed from Analytics.
  3. Select Revoke to remove the Analytics access for the user.

This action revokes the access to Analytics only. If access to both the Partner Portal and Analytics should be removed, then select Deactivate.