Change log for the Partner Portal / PCC

This article lists the changes and improvements that have been made to the Partner Portal and Pexip Control Center.

End of Life announcement (MMV clients, VMR functionality, EUL SKUs)

This notice services as the end of life announcement for the products, capabilities, and orderable SKUs listed below. Effective immediately, the products and services are in maintenance mode. Pexip will continue to offer support through the End of Service (EoSV) date.

Important dates:

  • End of Sale: 12th February 2025
  • End of Service: 28th February 2026

Products, services, and orderable SKUs affected:

  • Pexip My Meeting Video (MMV) clients, including the web, desktop, and mobile versions.
  • Pexip Service Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) functionality.
  • Enterprise User License (EUL) licensing SKUs:

    • 5105: Enterprise User License - 1-9 users
    • 5115: Enterprise User License - 10-49 users
    • 5130: Enterprise User License - 50-99 users
    • 5145: Enterprise User License - 100-499 users
    • 5160: Enterprise User License - 500-999 users
    • 5175: Enterprise User License - 1000-4999 users
    • 5190: Enterprise User License - 5000 and above
    • 5510: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 50 employees
    • 5520: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 100 employees
    • 5530: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 250 employees
    • 5540: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 500 employees
    • 5550: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 1000 employees
    • 5560: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 2500 employees
    • 5570: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - up to 5000 employees
    • 5580: EUL Enterprise-Wide Agreement - more than 5000 employees

    Note: In case of omission, all EUL SKUs are subject to this announcement except for 5101 EUL-PCC as noted below.

This notice was originally communicated to partners via email on 8 November 2024.

End of Sale (EoS)

Renewals are valid for one year only before EoS date. Monthly plans will continue with monthly billing until the EoSV date, however, partners are encouraged to migrate customers as soon as possible.

End of Service (EoSV)

Support and updates for MMV clients and the current VMR service will cease after the EoSV date.

Pexip ERC-P and EUL licensing

EUL licensing included with Enterprise Room Connector Premium (ERC-P) or any other Pexip bundle will only retain entitlement and support rights through the EoSV period noted above so long as the customer retains a valid license contract through the term. ERC-P licensing beyond the EoSV date does not convey any rights to MMV or VMRs beyond the EoSV date.

EUL for Control Center access only

Pexip has created a new SKU: EUL-PCC (5101-050x) to provide customers access to Control Center. EUL-PCC does not provide VMR entitlement or any other entitlement to services or product beyond administrative login access to Pexip Control Center. Partners must move customers using EUL licensing solely for Control Center access to the EUL-PCC SKU.

Migration options

For existing customers, Pexip can provide comparable solutions for migration based on their specific requirements and use cases:

  • Pexip Private Cloud (PPC)
  • Self-hosted Pexip platform

Read more on our self-hosted solutions docs site.

For questions, please contact your Pexip account representative.

Planned changes

This section contains information about planned changes to the Pexip Service.

Implementation of two-factor authentication for logging in to Pexip Control Center

We are planning to introduce two-factor authentication (2FA) in April 2025 for all users who log in to Pexip Control Center.

Any users in companies that are already setup with SSO will not be affected by this change.

There will be an in-app notification in PCC for all non-SSO users with information about the upcoming changes, and any users who have accessed PCC since December 2024 will also be informed about the changes by an email from Pexip.

September 2024

Domain validation improvements

The validation process when configuring a new calling domain or Microsoft 365 domain has been improved. If the same domain (or root domain) has already been validated for that company then the newly configured domain is automatically verified.

New Microsoft Teams Room configuration

There is a new set of Microsoft Teams Room Service for MS Teams interop configuration that is required for enabling the Microsoft Teams Room Service. See CVI and Teams Rooms services for Microsoft Teams: order, setup and monitoring for more information.

August 2024

The license packages have been updated:

  • The Connect Essentials package has been introduced.
  • The ERC Basic package is now only available as a renewal to existing ERC Basic customers.
  • The new Pexip Control Center User license has been introduced to provide administrator and end-user access to PCC. The existing EUL license will revert to providing a user/team VMR.

See Connect Essentials licensing package and Connect Standard for Microsoft/Google licensing packages for more information.

July 2024

The ERC Premium bundle has been renamed as Connect Standard.

In addition, Connect for Teams Rooms has been removed from the Connect Standard bundle, and is now only available as a separate add-on license.

June 2024

To enable your customer for Zoom Room interoperability you can now order a Connect for Zoom license plan. See Pexip Connect for Zoom Rooms: order and setup for more information.

May 2024

Access to the Pexip Partner Portal is now protected via two-factor authentication (2FA) and time-based one-time passwords (TOTP).

If you have already set up 2FA for Partner Analytics access you can use the same authentication codes for access to the Partner Portal.

See Setting up two-factor authentication for logging in to the Partner Portal and Partner Analytics for more information.

April 2024

The Teams Room SIP/H.323 Calling plan license has been renamed as Connect for Teams Rooms.

March 2024

New Certificate Authorities in use on the Pexip Service

The service now uses certificates that are signed by the same Certificate Authorities that we have been provisioning to Cisco endpoints since November 2023.

For most customers no action is needed for this change.

Which systems are affected?

Affected systems are any Cisco devices running Cisco CE or RoomOS software that are registered to the Pexip Service but are NOT provisioned by the service. (For provisioned systems we have already uploaded the new Root CA certificates to those devices via our provisioning service.)

The affected systems may lose their SIP registration and be unable to place calls.

How can I check if my devices are provisioned?

You can use Analytics ( to check the provisioning status of your customer's endpoints, which will verify that it is provisioned by the Pexip Service.

If you use ERM you can use the Systems overview page to select and check the provisioning status of your endpoints.

You can also check the provisioning status of each individual endpoint locally via the Cisco Web Interface (Settings > Status > Provisioning) or TShell. If the provisioning server / external manager address is then the endpoint is being provisioned via the Pexip Service.

If I'm affected what do I do?

The required action depends on your customer's circumstances:

  • If the customer has accidentally disabled provisioning to the Pexip Service then simply re-enabling or rebooting the endpoint will cause the endpoint to get the new certificates.
  • If the customer is using ERM, then they can use ERM to distribute the certificate.
  • If the customer is using using (manual registration) then they need to manually upload to their endpoints the three trusted Root CA certificates that are used to validate the certificates presented by the Pexip Service as per these instructions. (Do not reconnect to the Pexip provisioning server as this will remove the device's registration settings.)

January 2024

  • Customers who want to set up One-Touch Join (OTJ) for Pexip Service must now create a DNS TXT record for their Microsoft 365 tenant domain, so that their Microsoft domain can be verified by the Pexip Service. This is the same verification process as introduced for CVI in the previous month — you only have to verify the tenant domain once and it then can be used for both CVI and OTJ if required. See Creating and verifying a customer's Microsoft 365 tenant domain for more information.

December 2023

November 2023

  • Customers who request a hosted calling domain must now create a DNS TXT record so that their calling domain can be verified by the Pexip Service. See Verifying a hosted calling domain for more information.

July 2023

  • Customers with hosted domains must now have at least one _sips._tcp DNS SRV record before you can create any consumer records or interop configuration that uses that domain (* domains get the required DNS records created automatically). Note that this no longer applies from December 2023, as customers must now create a DNS TXT record before you can create any consumer records or interop configuration.
  • New Teams Room SIP/H.323 Calling plan license for 1:1 (also referred to as point-to-point) SIP/H.323 video calls between Microsoft Teams Room devices and VTCs.

April 2023

  • You can now export data in CSV format from all of the graphs and charts on the Analytics page in Pexip Control Center. See Analyzing usage for more information.
  • Direct Peering content has been removed.

March 2023

  • Lifesize endpoints are now supported on the Pexip Service. See Activating Lifesize video endpoints for more information.
  • You can now export data, in JSON format, from all of the graphs and charts on the Analytics page in Pexip Control Center.

December 2022

Removed ordering information for Pexip Room.

June 2022

A company's evaluation mode is now shown in the overview list of companies and at the top of the company overview page.

March 2022

Professional services for Enhanced Room Management (ERM) installation can be ordered through the Partner Portal.

February 2022

  • Enhanced Room Management (ERM) can be ordered through the Partner Portal.
  • Full HD (1080p) for Teams CVI can be ordered through the Partner Portal.
  • Added the ability to perform bulk subscription creation and bulk endpoint activation.

January 2022

Trusted devices can be enabled for endpoints registered to the service but with a different company.

October 2021

Professional services for Direct peering can be ordered through the Partner Portal.

September 2021

New product: Direct peering

Pexip's "Direct peering" lets customers create a private connection between their company and the Pexip Service so that their users can participate in meetings on the service without traversing the public internet. When using a private connection customers can experience more consistent call quality, network performance and reliability.

June 2021

Pexip Control Center launch

We've launched the Pexip Control Center (PCC) where company administrators can view company analytics data and in-progress meetings, and all users with an End User License can view their personal usage of the service and account settings.

To find out more, see What is Pexip Control Center?.

January 2021

The minimum ordering quantity for a Trusted Device License has been removed.

November 2020

New product: Bring your own carrier

Pexip's "Bring your own carrier" (BYOC) enables users to dial out from a Pexip-registered video endpoint to PSTN numbers such as landline phones, mobile phones and audio bridges. So organizations no longer need a separate telephone in conference rooms.

To find out more see Pexip's "Bring your own carrier" — using Pexip to dial out to PSTN.

September 2020

Product enhancement: Trusted devices

Pexip has enhanced the trusted devices feature so customers can now further restrict the IP address rule to only include endpoints coming from a specific domain. This is useful when multiple companies share one call control infrastructure. See also Trusted Devices: trial, orderability and configuration.

June 2020

Enterprise Room Connector

  • Enabled orderability for Enterprise Room Connector Basic (available from July 1st).
  • Renamed current ERC SKU to Enterprise Room Connector Premium (enabled July 1st).
  • Automated the fulfilment of ERC bundle items.

See Pexip Connect: trial, orderability and enablement for more information.

Trial Management

  • Enabled Trial Management for CVI Teams and Google Interop subscriptions for partners

March 2020

Support of temporary monthly user licenses due to COVID-19

To support our existing customers with their need for additional licenses due to the COVID-19 (corona) virus, Pexip has on March 17th opened up for orders of a monthly EUL license-plan on top of an existing annual plan.

  • This option is only available for customers that have an existing EUL annual plan.
  • Existing annual EUL plan and new temporary monthly EUL plan are two separate plans, and can have two different prices.
  • The monthly plan can be ordered following the normal ordering workflow (Add License Plan).
  • The monthly EUL plan cannot be upgraded to an annual plan.
  • If one of the monthly or annual plan is expired, the other plan must have enough licenses to cover the number of users/VMRs. In case the remaining license plan does not have enough licenses, BizOps will deactivate users/VMRs based on activation date.
  • Pexip will review to turn off this temporary monthly EUL plan option when there's no longer a strong need in the market for this support.
  • The monthly plan is not supported along with an EWA plan since an EWA plan should cover their whole organization. The customer needs to buy more EWA licenses.

Orderability of new product: Trusted Device

Trusted Devices is an add-on for service gateway customers (Teams or Google Meet) to allow lobby-bypass for customers not able to register endpoints on the Pexip Service.

See Trusted Devices: trial, orderability and configuration for more information.

February 2020

New products

Enabled the orderability of the following new Pexip products for all end-customers:

Portal interface changes

The portal has two new tabs:

  • Interop: the Google Interop and CVI Service for MS Teams have moved from the Other tab to this new Interop tab.
  • Infinity Licenses: used to create activation codes for Pexip Infinity software. This upgrade supports the activation code for One-Touch Join.