Configuring Office 365 for scheduling using a service account
The VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature (also known as Secure Scheduler for Exchange) allows you to create an add-in that enables Microsoft Outlook desktop and Web App users in Office 365 or Exchange environments to quickly and easily add a Pexip VMR to their meeting invitations, enabling any meeting to be held over video.
This method uses a service account with the Application Impersonation role. However, Application Impersonation role assignment to service accounts is being deprecated by Microsoft. As of May 2024, Microsoft will prevent new Application Impersonation role assignments. From February 2025, this role will be removed completely (for more information, see Microsoft's announcement). We therefore strongly recommend that for Office 365, all new VMR Scheduling for Exchange deployments use the alternative option using application permissions, and all existing deployments are updated to enable this option as soon as possible. This topic is intended as a reference for existing deployments only.
To enable users to schedule meetings in single-use VMRs in an
Creating a service account. The Pexip Infinity VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature uses a unique service account to log into Exchange.
This should be a different service account to any used for One-Touch Join, because the configuration is different.
Configuring Application Impersonation on the service account. This allows the service account to impersonate all users and resources in Exchange.
As an alternative, you can allow the service account to impersonate the VMR Scheduling for Exchange equipment resource only, but this limits the functionality of the feature. For more information, see Using application impersonation.
- Create an equipment resource. This resource is added as an attendee to all meetings scheduled using the Pexip add-in.
- Configure the equipment resource.
- Enable OAuth authentication for the service account.
PowerShell commands are provided for all steps; parameters to be replaced with your own relevant information are shown in the format <your info here>.
Before you start, ensure you can access your Office 365 Admin Center:
You will also need to have a remote PowerShell session to your Exchange server. See these Microsoft articles about connecting to Exchange online and Microsoft 365 with PowerShell for more information.
Note that for Office 365, the service account must have a mailbox license and appropriate licenses to allow it to connect to Exchange and use EWS.

In this step, you create the service account used by VMR Scheduling for Exchange.
VMR Scheduling for Exchange uses a service account to log into Exchange. You can use an existing service account (the same service account can be used by more than one integration), or create a new account.
You need to provide the authentication credentials of this service account when configuring Pexip Infinity to integrate with a Microsoft Exchange deployment.
After creating the service account, you must ensure that it is assigned an appropriate Exchange license, such as Office 365 Enterprise E1, Office 365 Business Basic (formerly Essentials) or one of the Exchange Online plans.
A single service account can be used by more than one integration.
Changes to the service account may take some time to take effect, depending on the cache lifetime configured on the Microsoft Exchange server.
If the service account is subject to a password rotation policy or uses multi-factor authentication (MFA), then each time the password changes or the MFA is refreshed, you must sign in to the service account again via the Pexip InfinityAdministrator interface.
You can create a new service account using either the Microsoft 365 admin portal or PowerShell, as follows:
Microsoft 365 | PowerShell |
You must run Powershell as administrator. Establishing a remote connection To use PowerShell for Office 365 you first need to connect remotely. These commands install the required PowerShell modules (if they are not already installed) and then connects to Exchange Online: #If not installed, install Exchange Online Module Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement #If not installed, install Azure AD Module Install-Module -Name AzureAD #Connect to Exchange Online and AzureAD, works also with a MFA enabled account Connect-ExchangeOnline Creating the service account The first command lets the administrator type in a password for the service account as a secure string. This password variable is then used in the second command to create a mailbox for the service account. The remaining commands log you into Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) and then set the password of the service account to never expire. #Capture password for service account $password = Read-Host "Enter password" -AsSecureString # Create service account and mailbox New-Mailbox -Name "<Account Name>" -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID "<UPN>" -Password $password -Alias "<Account Alias>" -FirstName "<Account First Name>" -LastName "<Account Last Name>" -DisplayName "<Account Name>" #Connect to AzureAD Connect-AzureAD #Set password policy Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId "<UPN>" -PasswordPolicies DisablePasswordExpiration Example New-Mailbox command: New-Mailbox -Name "Service Account" -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID -Password $password -Alias pexip -FirstName Service -LastName Account -DisplayName "Service Account" Example Set-AzureADUser command: Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId -PasswordPolicies DisablePasswordExpiration Assigning a license to the service accountYou must now assign an appropriate license to the service account. See for information on how to do this. |

In this step you configure the service account with a Role of Application Impersonation. This allows the service account to impersonate the equipment resource that is used for VMR Scheduling for Exchange, and all users who will be using this service. Alternatively, you can allow impersonation of the equipment resource only, but this limits the functionality of the VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature. For more information, see Using application impersonation.
Impersonating all users and resources
The VMR Scheduling for Exchange service impersonates users when sending email updates containing joining instructions (in cases where these instructions could not be added at the time of scheduling). This makes it appear to the recipients that the joining instructions were sent from the meeting organizer, instead of the service account. The service account also impersonates the VMR Scheduling for Exchange equipment resource to read the calendar.
To check if your service account has Application Impersonation already configured, use the PowerShell command:
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -RoleAssignee "<email_of_service_account>" -Role ApplicationImpersonation | Format-List
Below is an example of the output of the command when the service account already has Application Impersonation configured:
If the service account does not have Application Impersonation configured, then the above command will not return anything at all. If this is the case, enable Application Impersonation as follows:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name:"<role_name>" -Role:ApplicationImpersonation -User:"<email_of_service_account>"
For example:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name:PexipSchedulingService -Role:ApplicationImpersonation
This enables the service account to impersonate all users and resources in the organization.
For more information on these commands, see Microsoft help:
- Configuring Application Impersonation:
- Get-ManagementRoleAssignment command:
- New-ManagementRoleAssignment command:
- Set-ManagementRoleAssignment command (used if you need to edit the role assignment):
Impersonating resources only
If you do not want to permit the service account to access all users and resources in your organization, you can instead permit it to access the VMR Scheduling for Exchange equipment resource only, but this limits the functionality of the feature. For more information, see Using application impersonation.
To do this, you must first create the equipment resource and assign it an email address.
Then use the following PowerShell command:
$restriction_filter = "UserPrincipalName -eq ""<email_of_equipment_resource>""" $scheduling_service_account = "<email_of_service_account>" $management_scope_to_create = "Pexip Scheduling Management Scope" $impersonation_role_name_to_create = "Pexip Scheduling Impersonation" New-ManagementScope -Name $management_scope_to_create -RecipientRestrictionFilter $restriction_filter New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name $impersonation_role_name_to_create -Role ApplicationImpersonation -User $scheduling_service_account -CustomRecipientWriteScope $management_scope_to_create

In this step you create an equipment resource used by VMR Scheduling for Exchange. This resource is added as an attendee to all meetings scheduled using the Pexip add-in. The scheduling service monitors the equipment resource's mailbox, processes all meeting requests sent to it, and schedules the meetings as appropriate.
The equipment resource is added as a resource attendee to all VMR Scheduling for Exchange meetings. Users will see replies from this resource when it accepts or rejects a meeting request.
Each equipment resource can be used by only one VMR Scheduling for Exchange Integration. If you have separate test and development environments, you must use a different equipment resource for each.
Previously we recommended using a room resource, but this may cause issues when using the Room Finder tool. Thus, we now recommend using an equipment resource.
You can create an equipment resource using either the Office 365 admin portal or PowerShell, as follows:
Microsoft 365 | PowerShell |
To create the equipment resource via the Microsoft 365 admin portal:
The equipment resource now appears in the list of resources. |
This command creates an equipment resource with the specified Name, Alias and Display Name. Name and Display Name should be the same, and will appear as the location of any meeting requests, and as a recipient. The Alias (also known as the mail nickname) is used as the email address. New-Mailbox -Equipment -Name "<Equipment Name>" -Alias "<Equipment Alias>" -DisplayName "<Equipment Name>" For example: New-Mailbox -Equipment -Name "Pexip Scheduling Service" -Alias pexip.scheduling -DisplayName "Pexip Scheduling Service" |

In this step you configure calendar processing to disable automatic processing for the equipment resource, so that the processing can be done by the scheduling service. You must also configure it to permit conflicts, because meetings may be scheduled at the same time by different users. You can optionally hide the resource mailbox's availability to improve the usability of the Scheduling Assistant.
Calendar processing
This configuration is done using the following PowerShell command:
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity "<email_of_equipment_resource>" -AutomateProcessing None -AllowConflicts $true -BookingWindowInDays 1080 -MaximumDurationInMinutes 0 -AllowRecurringMeetings $true -EnforceSchedulingHorizon $false -ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours $false -ConflictPercentageAllowed 100 -MaximumConflictInstances 2147483647
To verify that the above command has configured everything correctly, use the PowerShell command:
Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity "<email_of_equipment_resource>" | Format-List
The output should look something like this:
Hiding resource availability in scheduling assistant
When viewing meetings in Outlook's Scheduling Assistant, the equipment resource and its availability will appear in the list of attendees. Because the same equipment resource is used for all scheduled meetings, it may show as unavailable if there are other meetings scheduled at the same time, which may be confusing to users.
To avoid this, you can hide the availability of the equipment resource's mailbox, so that it is always shown as "unknown". This is done using the PowerShell command:
Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "<email_of_equipment_resource>:\Calendar" -User Default -AccessRights None
More information
For more information on these commands, see Microsoft help:
- Set-CalendarProcessing command:
- Get-CalendarProcessing command:
Set-MailboxFolderPermission command:

In this step you enable OAuth authentication for the service account.
VMR Scheduling for Exchange uses a service account to log in to Exchange.
To use OAuth for the service account, you must create an app registration in Azure and then use the settings from this app registration when enabling and configuring the OAuth options within the VMR Scheduling for Exchange Integration.
Create a new App Registration in Azure
- Log into the Azure portal at
- From the main panel on the left, select .
and then : -
In the Register an application panel, enter the following options:
- Name: this can be anything you wish. Our example uses Pexip Scheduling App.
- Supported account types: select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
Redirect URI: from the drop-down menu, select Public client/native (mobile and desktop). The URI must use the IP address or FQDN of the Management Node, in the format
https://<Management Node Address>/admin/platform/msexchangeconnector/oauth_redirect/
This example uses need to enter this as the OAuth redirect URI when configuring a VMR Scheduling for Exchange Integration.
The OAuth redirect URI is the page on the Administrator interface to which the Pexip Infinity administrator will be returned after they have successfully signed in to the service account. Because it is a page on the Management Node, this URI is internal to your deployment and only needs to be accessible from the administrator's web browser; you do not need to make it externally accessible. This URI must be the same on Azure and Pexip Infinity in order for Azure to validate the sign-in request.
.A new panel opens where you can configure your application.
- From the panel on the left, select .
- Select .
From the Request API permissions panel, select , search for Office 365 Exchange Online and select it:
Select Delegated permissions, and from the Select permissions list, expand EWS and select Access mailboxes as the signed-in user via Exchange Web Services, and then select :
Taking note of configuration
When you Configure the VMR Scheduling for Exchange Integration and enable OAuth authentication for the service account, you'll need to provide the following information from Azure:
Application (client) ID: this was generated for you by Azure when you saved the App Registration:
You can find this again in Azure under Application (client) ID column.
, under theYou will need to enter this as the OAuth client ID when configuring the integration.
Redirect URI: this is the URI you entered when creating the App Registration.
You can find this again in Azure under Redirect URIs.
, clicking on the app registration, and then clickingYou need to enter this as the OAuth redirect URI when configuring the integration.
You also need to know the OAuth Endpoints to use. To find this information:
- In the Azure Portal, select Overview > Endpoints.
Copy the URL of the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v1).
Ensure that you use the URL for ... endpoint (v1), not ... endpoint (v2).
You need to enter this as the OAuth authorization endpoint when configuring the integration.
Copy the URL of the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v1)
Ensure that you use the URL for ... endpoint (v1), not ... endpoint (v2).
You need to enter this as the OAuth token endpoint when configuring the integration.
Viewing the equipment resource's mailbox
There may be occasions, such as when troubleshooting, that you want to view the equipment resource's mailbox or calendar. To do this, you first need to assign full access to the equipment resource's mailbox to a delegate account, and then view the mailbox or calendar using the delegate account. (The delegate account could be, for example, an administrator's account.)
Next steps
- Configuring Pexip Infinity to integrate with your Microsoft Exchange deployment and create the VMR Scheduling for Exchange add-in.
- Making the add-in available to users within your Microsoft Exchange deployment.