Configuring Exchange on-premises for scheduling

The VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature (also known as Secure Scheduler for Exchange) allows you to create an add-in that enables Microsoft Outlook desktop and Web App users in Office 365 or Exchange environments to quickly and easily add a Pexip VMR to their meeting invitations, enabling any meeting to be held over video.

To enable users to schedule meetings in single-use VMRs in an Exchange on-premises environment using a service account, you must first configure Exchange on-premises appropriately. The steps are as follows, described in more detail in the sections that follow:

  1. Creating a service account. The Pexip Infinity VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature uses a unique service account to log into Exchange.

    This should be a different service account to any used for One-Touch Join, because the configuration is different.

  2. Configuring Application Impersonation on the service account. This allows the service account to impersonate all users and resources in Exchange.

    As an alternative, you can allow the service account to impersonate the VMR Scheduling for Exchange equipment resource only, but this limits the functionality of the feature. For more information, see Using application impersonation.

  3. Create an equipment resource. This resource is added as an attendee to all meetings scheduled using the Pexip add-in.
  4. Configure the equipment resource.
  5. Enable the authentication method used for the service account — either NTLMv2 or basic authentication.

PowerShell commands are provided for all steps; parameters to be replaced with your own relevant information are shown in the format <your info here>.


Before you start, ensure you have access to your Exchange Admin Center (EAC) web interface, and access to Exchange Management PowerShell.

Viewing the equipment resource's mailbox

There may be occasions, such as when troubleshooting, that you want to view the equipment resource's mailbox or calendar. To do this, you first need to assign full access to the equipment resource's mailbox to a delegate account, and then view the mailbox or calendar using the delegate account. (The delegate account could be the service account (if you are using one), or it could be, for example, an administrator's account.)

Next steps

  1. Configuring Pexip Infinity to integrate with your Microsoft Exchange deployment and create the VMR Scheduling for Exchange add-in.
  2. Making the add-in available to users within your Microsoft Exchange deployment.