Integrating with external systems

When integrating with external systems, Pexip Infinity may be challenged for authentication credentials, or in some cases communications from an external conferencing system may need to be authenticated by Pexip Infinity.

Managing SIP credentials

When sending a SIP request, Pexip Infinity may be challenged for authentication credentials by the host system or proxy.

The authentication challenge will include a realm that identifies the credentials that Pexip Infinity should use to respond to the challenge. The credentials to use will be provided separately by the administrator of the host system or proxy.

All realms, usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

To configure the SIP credentials used by Pexip Infinity for each realm, go to Call control > SIP credentials. The options are:

Option Description
Realm The realm defines the protection space of the host or proxy (such as its name or domain, e.g. that is challenging Pexip Infinity for authentication.
Username and Password The username and password presented by Pexip Infinity when responding to the authentication challenge for the given realm.

CUCM Ad Hoc Conferencing credentials

In many video conferencing deployments, Pexip Infinity will be integrated with other third-party systems and products. An example is Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM), which can be integrated with Pexip Infinity so that when users initiate the Ad Hoc Conferencing feature on supported endpoints, the resulting conference will be hosted on Pexip Infinity.

This type of integration requires that communications from the external system are authenticated by Pexip Infinity. (Note that the credentials for this authentication are distinct from those used to access the Pexip Infinity management API.)

Some external systems (such as CUCM 8.6.2) only support access over HTTP rather than the secure HTTPS protocol, so you have the option to enable this if required.

To configure Pexip Infinity with the authentication credentials and protocol to be used by systems which do not use the management API, go to Platform > Global settings > External system integration. The options available are:

Field Description
Enable HTTP access for external systems Access for external systems is over HTTPS by default. If this box is selected, access over HTTP is also permitted.
External system username The username presented to Pexip Infinity by external systems attempting to authenticate with it.
External system password The password presented to Pexip Infinity by external systems attempting to authenticate with it.