Genesys Cloud configuration for integrating with Pexip Infinity

This topic describes the configuration required to integrate Genesys Cloud contact center services with the Pexip Infinity platform.

These instructions assume that you already have an existing Genesys Cloud contact center solution.

Genesys configuration

To connect a Genesys call queue with Pexip Infinity, the following configurations must be performed in your Genesys Cloud instance:

  1. Add phone number(s). You need at least one number for the inbound trunk.
  2. Create the SIP Trunk.

      TCP 5060 and TLS 5061 are supported. If you are using TLS (recommended), there are specific Ciphers that must be turned on (see next step).

    1. Add the phone number and whitelist the Pexip Infinity Proxying Edge Node addresses under SIP Access Control
    2. Make a note of the Inbound Request-URI Reference. This is the SIP URI pattern you will use when building the outbound dial rule from Pexip Infinity into Genesys.

    Genesys SIP trunk

  3. Enable the Ciphers and Media Settings for the SIP Trunk (Media tab) as required for your environment.

    Ciphers and Media Settings

  4. Add the SIP Trunk as an Outbound Route for the site (Sites > Outbound Routes tab).

    SIP Trunk Outbound Route

  5. Create/identify a call queue.

    You can either create a new call queue or use an existing queue.

    1. Assign the phone number to the call queue.
    2. Enable voice transcription on the queue.
    3. Configure any other settings as required for your environment.

    Call queues

  6. Create/identify a call flow (in the Architect interface).

    You can either create a new call flow or use an existing flow.

    1. Enable Transcription or other services on the flow according to your requirements.
    2. Attach the Transfer to ACD action to your call queue and any other skills-based routing desired for this type of interaction.

    Inbound call flow

  7. Install/add the Pexip Video Connect app.

    1. Contact your Pexip authorized support representative for details about obtaining the app.
    2. Follow the launch wizard and activate the app:

      1. Select Start on the wizard launch page.
      2. On the Setup page, enter the required fields:

        • Pexip Infinity Domain: this is the domain name of your Pexip Infinity deployment.
        • Pexip Agent PIN: this must match the agent access PIN that you configure in your local policy script in Pexip Infinity. It must use the digits 0-9 only and be between 4–20 digits long.
        • Pexip App Prefix: this prefix is used for routing agent calls.

          • It defaults to app if left blank.
          • You would normally only need to change this if you are using your Pexip Infinity system for other conferencing scenarios and it causes a dial plan conflict. If you change it, you must also update your local policy script (change all references to "app" to "<your prefix>" instead).
          • It must be different from the prefix parameter specified in the Pexip "click to video" widget (this prefix is used for routing customer calls).

        and then select Next.

        Launch wizard setup page

      3. On the Install page, select Install.

        You will see some progress messages while it installs the app and creates the interaction widgets.

      4. A Summary page appears, containing a link:

        • Interaction Widgets: Pexip Video Connect: this takes you to the Integrations page within Genesys where you can check that the Pexip app is installed, the Pexip Conferencing Node nodes are set correctly, and where you can assign your agent groups to the app.

          Genesys Integrations page

    3. Select Done to complete the wizard.
  8. Assign your agents to the app to enable them to use the video interaction widget:

    1. From within the app Integrations page, go to Configuration > Properties.
    2. In the Group Filtering section, click on Select Groups, and then assign the agent groups who are to use the app.

    Only agents that are assigned to the app can participate in video interactions.

When the app is active, the assigned agents will see a blue camera button in the toolbar in their Genesys client when they receive a video call.

You can now perform the associated configuration on your Pexip Infinity platform.