Example emails for sending to new users

Based on feedback from our customers, we know that issues can occur when end users who are new to Pexip Infinity don't understand what clients to use, or don't know what aliases to dial in order to join a meeting. So we've put together some best practice templates that you as an administrator can use as a basis for emails you'll send to your users, to let them know how they can access their Virtual Meeting Rooms and let others join them for meetings, and which Connect apps to use and how to use them.

All deployments will differ, but some general recommendations and considerations are:

  • Your email to new users should be very clear about how they can access their own VMR, and also provide clear instructions for them to forward on to anyone they want to invite to their VMR as a guest. You should also make it clear which devices or clients they should use when calling in to your deployment.
  • Users connecting from outside your organization and who do not have their own video device should generally use the Connect web app to access VMRs. This means that they won't need to download or install anything in order to access meetings, but will still have the same high-quality user experience and functionality of participants using the Connect desktop app.

    You'll need to make sure that at least one Conferencing Node is accessible externally, and you'll also need to set up appropriate DNS records for connections from both inside and outside your network.

  • Users connecting from inside your organization should also use the Connect web app, unless you want them to be able to register to receive incoming calls — in which case they need to use the Connect desktop app.

  • The Connect desktop app should be used if you want to take advantage of the additional registration (to receive incoming calls) and internal directory service features. Administrators can also set up Call Routing Rules that apply to registered devices only, meaning that you can permit registered Connect desktop app users to make calls that Connect web app users cannot.

    If you are deploying the Connect desktop app in your environment, we recommend that you make use of provisioning, and you'll also need to set up appropriate DNS records.

  • If you have a Skype for Business environment, consider whether you want users to continue to use those familiar clients to access their VMRs.
  • Consider whether you want users to be able to join or control meetings from a mobile device. If so you'll need to set up appropriate DNS records.
  • Consider whether you want to allow users to call in to meetings from a telephone. If so, you will need to set up appropriate telephone numbers and Virtual Receptions.
  • Where possible, simplify the join experience for users by providing URLs that they can click to join meetings directly.

We already provide example joining instructions for use with the VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature, and provisioning, but here we also give some examples for Accessing a VMR and Using Outlook to schedule meetings in a VMR.

Accessing a VMR

Below is some example text you can send to new users to let them know how they and their guests can access their VMRs. You should edit this as appropriate for your own deployment and for each individual user by:

  • adding the URLs
  • specifying the VMR aliases and Host PINs for each user's VMR
  • specifying the Guest PIN (or deleting references to Guests PINs if you don't use these in your deployment)
  • adding download links for the Connect desktop app
  • deleting any content not relevant to your deployment
  • adding formatting and hyperlinks to the text.

You can include URLs in the text that, when clicked, will open a specific client and pre-fill some of the required fields, such as VMR alias and PIN. For guidance on creating these URLs, see Creating preconfigured links to launch conferences via Connect apps.

Welcome to your own personal Virtual Meeting Room (VMR).

You will usually be the host for any meetings in this VMR. This means you can control when the meeting starts and ends, and you can also mute and unmute noisy participants, lock the virtual meeting room (to prevent anyone else from joining part way through the meeting), and eject unwanted participants.

How to join your VMR as a host

  • Using a web browser from within <organization>, go to <internal URL> then enter your Name and select "Connect".
  • From a web browser outside <organization>, go to <external URL> then enter your Name and select "Connect".
  • From a video conferencing endpoint inside <organization> dial <internal alias> then enter the PIN: <Host PIN>.
  • From a video conferencing endpoint outside <organization> dial <external alias> then enter the PIN: <Host PIN>.
  • From Skype for Business, dial <alias> then enter the PIN: <Host PIN>.
  • From a Connect desktop app, first download the client from <link>. After it is installed, click this link <URL>, or dial <alias> then enter the PIN: <Host PIN>.
  • From a telephone, dial <telephone no.> then, when prompted, enter the conference number <numeric alias> followed by "#". When asked, enter the host PIN: <Host PIN>.
  • To control the meeting from an Android or iOS device, first install the client from the Google Play store or the Apple store. After it is installed, click this link <URL> or dial <alias> then enter the PIN: <Host PIN>.

How your guests can join your VMR

You can copy and paste the text below when inviting guests to join your VMR.

To join my VMR, you can simply use a web browser if you don't already have a video device you can use:

  • Using a web browser from within <organization>, go to <internal URL> then enter your Name and select "Connect".
  • Using a web browser from outside <organization>, go to <external URL> then enter your Name and select "Connect".
  • From a video conferencing endpoint inside <organization> dial <internal alias> then enter the PIN: <Guest PIN>.
  • From a video conferencing endpoint outside <organization> dial <external alias> then enter the PIN: <Guest PIN>.
  • From Skype for Business, dial <alias> then enter the PIN: <Guest PIN>.
  • From a Connect desktop app within <organization>, click this link <URL>, or dial <alias> then enter the PIN: <Guest PIN>.
  • From a telephone, dial <telephone no.> then, when prompted, enter the conference number <numeric alias> followed by "#". When asked, enter the host PIN: <Host PIN>.

If you arrive before the meeting host, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room. You will be automatically admitted to the meeting when the host arrives.

Using Outlook to schedule meetings in a VMR

Below is some example text you can send to new users to let them know about the VMR Scheduling for Exchange feature. An end user guide for this feature is available (see Using Outlook to schedule meetings in VMRs); you can either copy some information from there, or send your users the direct link to the guide.

The way in which users locate and activate the add-in will depend on the Outlook client being used, so you will need to replace <Pexip Scheduling Service option> with the relevant details for your deployment.

Using Outlook to schedule video meetings

As part of the roll-out of Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMRs) in our organization, you now have the ability to schedule any of your meetings as video meetings, using a one-off VMR created just for that meeting.

To do this, just create your meeting invitation in the usual way and then select the <Pexip Scheduling Service option>.

This will automatically add joining instructions to the body of the meeting invitation.

Note that for these sorts of meetings, everyone joins in the same way using the same links, and everyone has host privileges.

For full instructions, see www.docs.pexip.com/admin/scheduling_user_guide.htm