Configuring Virtual Reception IVRs

The Virtual Reception IVR service allows participants to enter a lobby and then use DTMF tones to select the Virtual Meeting Room they want to join. It provides an alternative means to access VMRs for participants who cannot dial VMR aliases directly.

It can also be used in combination with the Infinity Gateway to:

  • route calls to an external call control system, for example, to route phone calls towards a Cisco VCS
  • join an externally-hosted conference, such as a Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business meeting, or Google Meet.

There is no limit to the number of Virtual Receptions you can create.

To create or edit a Virtual Reception IVR service:

  1. Go to Services > Virtual Receptions.
  2. To create a new Virtual Reception, select Add Virtual Reception, or to edit an existing Virtual Reception, click on its name.

    The following options are available:

    Option Description
    Name Enter the name you will use to refer to this Virtual Reception.
    Creation time This read-only field shows the date and time when this record was first configured.
    Description An optional field where you can add details about the Virtual Reception.

    Select the theme to apply to this Virtual Reception. For more information, see Customizing conference images and voice prompts using themes.

    If you leave this blank, the default Pexip theme is used.

    Virtual Reception type

    The type of Virtual Reception:

    Default: Regular

    Lync / Skype for Business options (when a Virtual Reception type of Lync / Skype for Business is selected)
    Lync / Skype for Business server

    The SfB/Lync server to use to resolve the SfB/Lync Conference ID entered by the user.

    You must then ensure that your Call Routing Rule that routes calls to your SfB/Lync environment has Match against full alias URI selected and a Destination alias regex match in the style*

    See Configuring Pexip Infinity as a Skype for Business / Lync gateway for more information.

    Lookup location If specified, a Conferencing Node in this system location will perform the SfB/Lync Conference ID lookup on the SfB/Lync server. If a location is not specified, the transcoding node hosting the Virtual Reception will perform the lookup.
    Google Meet options (when a Virtual Reception type of Google Meet is selected)
    Access token

    Select the name of the access token to use to resolve Google Meet IDs. When configuring a Virtual Reception it does not matter if you use a trusted or untrusted access token.

    Lookup location

    Specify the location that contains the Conferencing Nodes (typically Proxying Edge Nodes) that will perform the service lookup (meeting ID verification) on Google Meet.

    Post-lookup regex match

    An optional regular expression used to match against the meeting code entered by the caller into the Virtual Reception. This is typically used in conjunction with the Post-lookup regex replace string to transform the meeting code into a distinct alias pattern that will match a Call Routing Rule configured to route calls into Google Meet conferences.

    For example, you would typically set the regex match to (.*) (to match everything) and the replace string pattern to something like meet.\1 which would prefix the meeting code entered into the Virtual Reception with "meet.". You would then configure an associated Call Routing Rule to match calls placed to aliases prefixed with meet. which then strips off that prefix (to leave just the meeting code again) before directing the call to Google Meet.

    Post-lookup regex replace string

    An optional regular expression used in conjunction with the Post-lookup regex match field to transform the meeting code into a distinct alias pattern that will match a Call Routing Rule configured to route calls into Google Meet conferences. (Only applies if the post-lookup regex match string is also configured and the entered code matches that regex.)

    Microsoft Teams options (when a Virtual Reception type of Microsoft Teams is selected)
    Teams Connector

    Select the name of the Teams Connector to use to resolve Teams codes.

    Lookup location Specify the location that contains the Conferencing Nodes (typically Proxying Edge Nodes) that will communicate with the Teams Connector to perform the meeting code verification.
    Post-lookup regex match

    An optional regular expression used to match against the meeting code entered by the caller into the Virtual Reception. This is typically used in conjunction with the Post-lookup regex replace string to transform the meeting code into a distinct alias pattern that will match a Call Routing Rule configured to route calls into Microsoft Teams conferences.

    For example, you would typically set the regex match to (.*) (to match everything) and the replace string pattern to something like meet.\1 which would prefix the meeting code entered into the Virtual Reception with "meet.". You would then configure an associated Call Routing Rule to match calls placed to aliases prefixed with meet. which then strips off that prefix (to leave just the meeting code again) before directing the call to Microsoft Teams.

    Post-lookup regex replace string

    An optional regular expression used in conjunction with the Post-lookup regex match field to transform the meeting code into a distinct alias pattern that will match a Call Routing Rule configured to route calls into Microsoft Teams conferences. (Only applies if the post-lookup regex match string is also configured and the entered code matches that regex.)

    Advanced options
    Destination alias regex match

    An optional regular expression used to match against the alias entered by the caller into the Virtual Reception. If the entered alias does not match the expression, the Virtual Reception will not route the call.

    If this field is left blank, any entered alias is permitted. For more information, see Restricting or transforming the aliases entered into a Virtual Reception.

    Destination alias regex replace string

    An optional regular expression used to transform the alias entered by the caller into the Virtual Reception. (Only applies if a regex match string is also configured and the entered alias matches that regex.)

    Leave this field blank if you do not want to change the alias entered by the caller.

    Maximum inbound call bandwidth (kbps) Enter a value in this field to limit the bandwidth of media being received by Pexip Infinity from each individual participant dialed in to this Virtual Reception. For more information see Managing and restricting call bandwidth.
    Maximum outbound call bandwidth (kbps) Enter a value in this field to limit the bandwidth of media being sent from Pexip Infinity to each individual participant dialed in to this Virtual Reception. For more information see Managing and restricting call bandwidth.
    Conference capabilities

    Allows you to limit the media content of calls that are connected via the Virtual Reception service. For more information, see Controlling media capability.

    Default: Main video + presentation.

    Maximum call quality

    Controls the maximum call quality for participants connecting to this service:

    • Use global setting: use the global maximum call quality setting.
    • SD: each participant is limited to SD quality.
    • HD: each participant is limited to HD (720p) quality.
    • Full HD (1080p): allows any endpoint capable of Full HD to send and receive its main video at 1080p.

    Default: Use global setting

    See Setting and limiting call quality for more information.

    Media encryption

    Controls the media encryption requirements for participants connecting to this service.

    • Use global setting: use the global media encryption setting.
    • Best effort: each participant will use media encryption if their device supports it, otherwise the connection will be unencrypted.
    • Required: all participants (including RTMP participants) must use media encryption.
    • No encryption: all H.323, SIP and MS-SIP participants must use unencrypted media. (RTMP participants will use encryption if their device supports it, otherwise the connection will be unencrypted.)

    Default: Use global setting

    Service tag This optional field lets you assign a unique identifier to this Virtual Reception, which you can then use to track use of the service.
    Alias: #1
    Alias Enter the alias that participants will dial to access the Virtual Reception.
    Description An optional description of the alias. This is useful if the Virtual Reception has more than one alias.
    Add another alias Select this option if you want the Virtual Reception to be accessible by more than one alias. For more information, see Using multiple aliases to access the same service.
  3. Ensure that every Virtual Meeting Room and Virtual Auditorium that you want to be accessible from this Virtual Reception has an alias in the form of a number. To do this:

    1. Go to either Services > Virtual Meeting Rooms or Services > Virtual Auditoriums.
    2. Select the name of the Virtual Meeting Room or Virtual Auditorium.
    3. In the Aliases section at the bottom of the page, enter the number to be used to access this Virtual Meeting Room or Virtual Auditorium from the Virtual Reception.
    4. Select Save.